Handling complex pricing and payments in a competitive market Michele Dugger Team Lead
How to use the features available in WolfePak to handle complex: Purpose How to use the features available in WolfePak to handle complex: Marketing elements Pricing elements Payments to operators
Pricing Types Price Contracts can be priced based on: Daily - uses the daily price of price index Monthly – uses the monthly average of the price index End of Month or Lock in Price – ability to set the price as of a certain date or use last available price for the month being priced
Price Index
Price Type - EOM-Lock In Lock In Prices can: -Apply to all properties or limited to certain properties -Be limited to a certain # of loads or all loads
Quickly Add Price Adjustments by: Contract Property
How to handle pricing for: Purchase Fees Pay or Penalize for Gravity, BS&W, or Sulfur Volume Adjustments
Purchase Fees: Penalties: Pricing Gravity Reject Loads BS&W Split loads Minimum BBL Penalties: Gravity BS&W Sulfur Volume Adjustments
Start Using Purchase Fees
Purchase Fees Refused Loads- Flat amount Split Loads -2 Options: Flat amount on the 1st Load Or- Flat amount per load after the 1st load Minimum BBL : Net Charge Or- Gross Charge
Operator Run Statement Gross Value will be reduced by the Purchase Fee.
Scales Can Reward or Penalize for Gravity, BS&W, and Sulfur
Gravity and BS&W - Ticket or Contract Average
Operator Run Statement
Volume Adjustments
Quick Pay Set-Up
Quick Pay Operators
Revenue Statements
Early Pay Early Pay Groups are an alternative to the standard once a month payment. Pay on a specific date of the month or Pay on a specific day of the week Pay all tickets or specific tickets Pay Groups are associated to the Price Contract
Early Pay Group
Extract Early Pay Group
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