PCS CCB Group 22nd February, 2017
Short Term Path Request - feasibility study -
Short Term Path Request Problem: Offers are not available from the RFCs on the real short term (e.g. within 5 days) 30 days Reserved Capacity is designed for interim requests Meetings: 9th January, Vienna: Preparation meeting Definition of the variables Announcement of the possible approaches 3rd February, Vienna: Detailed discussion on the possible approaches, pilots Timeline definition Variables: request deadline, role of C-OSS, use of PaPs, number of operation days, scope of products, handling of double requests Approaches: Baltic-Adriatic: use of the regular Ad-Hoc process with the national OSS. C-OSS is not involved in the dossiers, only monitoring based on reports ScanMed and Orient/East-Med: active C-OSS with some kind of PaP products for the time being (PCS’s need for the C-OSS) 31 December 2018
Timeline April 2017 - Definition of technical requirements towards PCS June 2017 - Detailed description of process steps July 2017 - Technical evaluation of the technical requirements for PCS November 2017 - Eventual roll-out in PCS To elaborate on a detailed description of the second pilot a separate workshop will be organised by RNE on 7th April 2017 from 9:00 to 15:00 in Vienna Invitees: C-OSS Managers Timetabling experts 31 December 2018
Result of the Test Group
Report about PCS Test Group Minor features: Improved usability when adding a location in a TT (1196) Path number copied to subsidiary (1231) Used terminology in creating and managing PaP (1186) Always show Dossier ID on PCS GUI (1178) Edit calendar (1172) Mandatory Traction details – Default (1152) Special focus during the test: Loco types from RU and IM aspect Search for Observation Acceptance GTC of RFCs PAMT report of RFCs 31 December 2018
Report about PCS Test Group 31 December 2018
Development plans for 2017
Development plan Minor 2017 Dates: End of development: 25th February Release Candidate: 2nd March Deploy in Production: 3rd April Content: Search for Observations: new column in the result only in Observations and Post-Processing PaP Availability Management Tool (PAMT): search and Excel report Conflict Solving Tool for RFCs UpdateDossierRUIMPair web-service operation adjustment: update based only on the referred pair, the rest stays untouched Trivials: Improved usability when adding a location in a TT (1196) Path number copied to subsidiary (1231) Used terminology in creating and managing PaP (1186) Always show Dossier ID on PCS GUI (1178) Edit calendar (1172) Mandatory Traction details – Default (1152) 31 December 2018
Development plan Major 2017 Dates: End of development: TBD Release Candidate: 2nd November (plan) Deploy in Production: 13th November Content: TAF-TSI Short Term Path Request Pilot (for August): Pre-accepted offer in Ad-Hoc Path Request process Acceptance phase adjustment (Accept/Refuse/Ask for adaptation) Format changes Test environment preparation (maintenance work) IP Consolidation package (Interface): Removal of PCS IP middle layer, connection directly to PCS Core Solving performance issues PaP Product definition 1st step: Pre-Booking phase for RFCs Acceptance indicator adjustments for RFCs (light separation, downgrade to blue) Loco types 31 December 2018
Development plan Minor 2018: Dates End of development: TBD Release Candidate: TBD Deploy in Production: TBD (beginning of April) Content: PaP Product definition 2nd step: C-OSS timetable Alternative offer Major 2018: Deploy in Production: TBD (mid of November) PaP Product definition 3rd step: New PaP product in place 31 December 2018
In addition to the developments Trivials between approximately 5-10 per releases can be included in each release Where to put the big ones? Envelope Concept Single Border Point Approach Short Term Path Request process for RFCs Non-RU Applicant Terminals Etc. Things are coming always… Resources are limited Proposal will be presented to RNE GA on 4th May 31 December 2018
Situation for Empty Envelope concept Currently no agreement from stakeholders to the available concept Development process slow not all functions are described yet Use cases couldn‘t be developed Increased complexity due to additional functions Requirement to increase resources 31 December 2018
Possible approaches for Empty Envelope Put all resources (RNE, IMs, RUs, developers) into the Empty Envelope function for November 2017 release Finalize the missing parts until March 2017 Resources from all stakeholders need to be assigned immediately Concept creation and agreement in such short time possible? Risk of bugs if released November 2017 New timeline for release in November 2018 Agreement still needs to be achieved faster than before Empty Envelope not available for TT 2019 Agreement on intermediate working method (data structure) required Stakeholders need to agree Reduced risks System stability Better use of resources Decision required by sector at RU Advisory Group 31 December 2018
Empty Envelope concept Updated description Adapt Change Request Updated description Development/Test Prototype ready Workshop Workshop Workshop Final tests Review Review Release Today 21 Feb 17 Oct 2018 Nov 2018 2 May 2017 12 May 2017 13 Oct 2017 16 June 2017 26 June 2017 19 Sept 2017 18/19 May 2017 27-29 June 2017 20/21 Sept 2017 Oct 2017 – Jun 18 31 December 2018