Math Notebook Expectations 2016 – 2017 Mathematics Syllabus Mrs. K. Nelson & Mr. C. Cannon 3rd Period Math 6 Welcome to 6th Grade Math! We are a team. We must work together in order to achieve our goals. My goals are to teach you the Georgia Standards of Excellence, and provide a safe, nurturing, and interesting environment. Your goals should be to succeed in math, get along with your peers, and to come to class prepared with a positive attitude. I have high expectations for all of you. I KNOW we are going to have a fantastic year together! The math content for this course and relevant standards can be accessed at the site below. 1st Semester 1 - Number System Fluency 2 - Rate, Ratio & Proportional Reasoning 3 - Expressions 4 - One-Step Equations & Inequalities 2nd Semester 5 - Area & Volume 6 - Statistics 7 - Rational Explorations 8 - Review and Extend Math 6 Objectives Grading Basic 4 Function Calculator 2 inch binder with a math section Markers and Colored Pencils Notebook Paper Pencils and Erasers Glue sticks Supplies For Class Dividers 7 File Folders Earbuds / headphones Math Notebook Expectations As a student, you are responsible for making sure you take notes in math every day. Your notes should stay in your math notebook and are to be used as a resource along with your math textbook. It is VERY IMPORTANT that your notebook include notes taken in class, handouts, activities, and assessments for each unit. The notebook will be one of many tools used to help us review for the Georgia Milestone assessment in the spring.
Reassessment Policy: Homework Policy: In the event a student does not show mastery of the standards on a summative assessment he or she will be given the opportunity to retake the summative assessment to demonstrate a better understanding of the content and achieve a higher score. In order to retake a summative assessment the student must complete a retake contract which will require a parent signature. The student will have one week from the time the contract is given to complete the assignments on the contract and schedule their retake. The contract will specify what the student has to do in order to retake the assessment along with submission dates for all required assignments. If the student fails to complete all of the key components of the retake contract he or she will forfeit the opportunity to retake the test. Please check synergy for student’s grades: Homework Policy: Homework gives students the opportunity to practice and reinforce skills learned in the classroom. Therefore, students will be required to complete a weekly homework assignment. Daily homework will be assigned as needed to reinforce concepts. Online Textbook: Consumable textbooks will be assigned to each student this year. Each student will receive two volumes. If a textbook is lost or stolen, the replacement cost is $10 per volume. Students will also have online access to the textbook. Students may log in using the following information: Login for online textbook: Username: ccsdlunchnumber (example:ccsd1234567) Password: cobbmath1 6th Grade Math Tutoring Schedule Any student may tutor and retake assessments with any of our 6th grade math teachers. AM tutoring: Tuesday 8:15 – 8:45 am PM tutoring: Tuesday 4:15 – 5:00 pm Additional tutoring days may be made available throughout the year to accommodate student needs. Teacher Contact Information Email: 770-222-3758 Ext. 480 Edmodo Code: Cell Phone: 770-727-6518 (preferred)