Welcome to Room A13
Language Arts Journeys – new language arts program Independent reading World Read Aloud Event KidBiz Home reading assignments Me Magazine
Math enVision Math Series Website: http://www.pearsonsuccessnet.com/ Explore lessons, vocabulary, and interactive activities Mrs. Lawall is the math teacher First in Math – login information coming soon Science/math link
Science Inquiry-based, hands-on learning Microworlds Mixtures and Solutions Matter and Elements Ecosystems
Social Studies Colonies, exploration, geography, government, current events Five essential questions guide our lessons Website for textbook: http://www.eharcourtschool.com/
Social Studies Essential Questions How does geography of a region influence the culture of its inhabitants? How do rules protect individual rights as well as meet the needs of society? How and why do people move? How do we use the past to build the future? What are the responsibilities of a good citizen? What are the lessons that can be learned from current events?
Research Project Global Citizenship Multi-genre question-based research project Non-fiction and creative writing components Library-to-classroom connection Build presentation skills 1st-2nd marking periods
Report Cards Standards-based 4= Advanced (exceeds expectations) 3= Proficient (meets expectations) 2= Basic (approaching expectations) 1= Below Basic (needs improvement) Additional Criteria Time and effort Completion of assignments
PSSA Pennsylvania State Standardized Assessment (tent. dates) April 8-12 and 15, 2013: Reading & Math Reading: reading comprehension, critical thinking, inferencing skills, etc. Math: problem-solving, number concepts, logical reasoning, etc. Week of March 11-15, 2013: Writing Persuasive, narrative, informational
Resources for Home http://www.crsd.org/molishus https://citrix.crsd.org - Citrix gives students access to district student desktop and documents from home computer. Sign up for Goodnoe, district, and PTO listserv email notices. Homework to practice skills, enrich, for reading, to complete projects. eFriday Folders
Special Events International Dot Day (Sept. 14) Halloween parade and class parties Meals for the Homeless service project March Madness Tournament Minute to Win It, Kickball Event (end of year) Music Talent Show (spring) Field Trips – first trip to Old City on October 11.