The Prayer Book And Devotional Life Part 2: The Regula, Intro to the Offices
The Three-Fold Regula
Three-Fold Regula Regula – “Rule of Life” Three-Fold Communion Offices Devotions Martin Thornton (1915-1986) in English Spirituality: An Outline of Ascetical Theology According to the English Pastoral Tradition, 1963, 1986
Three-Fold Regula Communion Weekly/Sundays Holy Days Essentially Public Rome does private Anglicans do not
Three-Fold Regula Daily Offices Morning Prayer – Matins Evening Prayer – Evensong/Vespers Essentially Public, though can be private Expected in BCP Litany in may be added
Three-Fold Regula Devotions - BCP “Family Prayer” section in BCP Offices of Instruction Psalms on page ix Essentially private, though can be done in public
Three-Fold Regula Devotions - Other Compline & Other Monastic Offices Rosary/Benediction Extemporaneous/Intercessory Prayer Essentially private, though can be done in public
Introducing the Offices
Introducing the Offices The Daily Morning and Evening Prayer Services Also Called Matins and Evensong From the monastic prayer services (eight daily) and Synagogue prayer services (2-3 daily) Adapted for regular folks’ use by the Reformers A return to pre-monastic pattern (public, 2x a day)
Introducing the Offices Why use the Offices To pray in community – Church/Family/Friends To pray within the tradition Anglican Pattern Ancient Patter If not physically, than “in spirit”
Introducing the Offices Purpose – to proclaim the Scriptures in Prayer Means for systematic reading Not just reading, but proclaiming Psalms and Canticles as our hymnbook
Introducing the Offices The foundation for a Rule of Life (Regula) We grow through the disciplines, especially Scripture and Prayer Opening and closing the day “right” Lex orandi, lex credendi, the Law of Prayer is the Law of Belief
Using the Offices
Using the Offices Essential Sections Psalms and Lessons Pp x-xliii – 1945 Lectionary Booklet/Printouts – TNAA Lectionary Morning Prayer – pp. 3-20 Evening Prayer – pp. 21-34
Using the Offices Seasonsal/Weekly Collects – pp. 90-269 Psalms – pp. 345-525 Optional Sections Litany – pp. 54-59 Prayers – pp. 35-48, 594-600 General Collects – pp. 49-50 Thanksgivings – pp. 50-53
Using the Offices Rubrics Prayers Stage Direction What to do Script What to Say Prayers
Using the Offices Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Opening Sentences, p3 Seasonal, p4 Concession/Absolution, p5 Note: 2 Calls Trinity 21 for layfolk, p218 Opening Sentences, p21 Seasonal, p21 Confessions/Absolution, 23 Note: 2 Calls Trinity 21 for layfolk, p218
Using the Offices Collect for the 21st Sunday after Trinity (p. 218) Grant, we beseech thee, merciful Lord, to thy faithful people pardon and peace, that they may be cleansed from all their sins, and serve thee with a quiet mind; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Using the Offices Morning Prayer Evening Prayer 1st Lesson Canticle, pp. 10-13 *Te Deum Benedictus es, Domine Benedicite, omnia opera 1st Lesson Canticle, pp. 26-28 *Magnificat (Song of Mary, Lk 1:46) Cantate Domino (Ps. 97) Bonum est confirteri (Psalm 92)
Using the Offices Morning Prayer Evening Prayer 2nd Lesson Canticle, pp. 14-15 *Benedictus (Song of Zechariah, Lk 1:68) Jubilate Deo (Ps 100) 2nd Lesson Canticle, pp. 28-29 *Nunc Dimittis (Song of Simeon, Lk 2:29) Deus misereatur (Ps 67) Benedic, anima mea (Ps 103)
Using the Offices 1945 Lectionary (in BCP)
TNAA Lectionary (Printout/Booklets) Using the Offices TNAA Lectionary (Printout/Booklets)
Using the Offices Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Creed, p15 *Apostles’ Nicene Versicles (short), p16 Creed, p29 *Apostles’ Nicene Versicles (long), p30
Using the Offices Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Collect of the Day (From Sunday/Holy Day) Collect for Peace, p17 Collect for Grace, p17 Collect of the Day (From Sunday/Holy Day) Collect for Peace, p31 Collect for Aid Against Perils, p31
Using the Offices Morning Prayer Evening Prayer Prayer for the State (choose one), p17 Prayer for the Church, p18 General Supplication, p18 General Thanksgiving, p19 Prayer for the State, p32 Prayer for the Church, p32 General Supplication, p32 General Thanksgiving, p33
Using the Offices Morning Prayer Evening Prayer St. Chrysostom, p20 Grace (2 Cor 13:14), p20 Note: Collects technical end Note: Additional Insertions after 3rd collect or supplication/thanksgivings St. Chrysostom, p34 Grace (2 Cor 13:14), p34 Note: Collects technical end Note: Additional Insertions after 3rd collect or supplication/thanksgivings