2007 Annual Conference Survey Says! Collecting Feedback From Customers James Collins
Atlanta, Georgia 2007 Annual Conference Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation OVERVIEW Identified customer segments Developed survey instruments for each group Determined distribution methods Distributed surveys to customers Converted data to information (Customer Satisfaction Index) Reported information to staff and stakeholders Acted on feedback
Atlanta, Georgia 2007 Annual Conference Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation CUSTOMER SEGMENTS Renewing Licensees New Licensees Board Members Complainants/Respondents New Board Members Post Orientation
Atlanta, Georgia 2007 Annual Conference Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation SURVEYMONKEY.COM Annual Subscription (less than $300) Ability to create multiple surveys Customer enters data via web page Reporting included Data can be exported Survey development process intuitive
Atlanta, Georgia 2007 Annual Conference Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation SURVEY INSTRUMENT: ONLINE RENEWAL 1.Did you receive an Official Professional License Renewal notification? 2. Were the renewal instructions clear? 3. Please rate the following aspects of online renewal by checking one of the following: Excellent, Good, Average, Fair or Poor. Registration/Logging In Entering Answers Paying By Credit Card Printing 4. Please rate your interaction with Division staff, if applicable: Professional Helpful Courteous Knowledgeable Additional Comments?
Atlanta, Georgia 2007 Annual Conference Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation SURVEY INSTRUMENT: NEW LICENSEE 1.Were the application instructions and other information provided sufficient? 2. Were your inquiries thoroughly addressed in a timely manner? 3. Please rate your interaction with Division staff, if applicable: Professional Helpful Courteous Knowledgeable Additional Comments?
Atlanta, Georgia 2007 Annual Conference Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation SURVEY INSTRUMENTS: BOARD MEMBER 1. Please rate your interaction with Division staff, if applicable: Professional Helpful Courteous Knowledgeable 2. The following areas as they relate to the preparedness of the board/commission administrative staff: Consistent, timely meeting notification Accuracy of agenda Accuracy of minutes Sufficient supporting documentation for decision making 3. Your communication with: Board office Business office (travel, payments & reimbursements, etc.) Directors office Investigative Unit
Atlanta, Georgia 2007 Annual Conference Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation SURVEY INSTRUMENT: BOARD MEMBER (Cont.) 4. The following areas related to facilities:: Parking Restrooms Furniture Environment (temperature, lighting) Additional Comments?
Atlanta, Georgia 2007 Annual Conference Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation SURVEY INSTRUMENT: INVESTIGATIVE 1.Person Completing Survey: Complainant/Respondent 2.Was the investigation handled in a professional manner? 3.Was the complaint handled in a timely fashion? 4.Do you feel your input/response received proper consideration? 5. Please rate your interaction with the investigator: Professional Helpful Courteous Knowledgeable Additional Comments?
Atlanta, Georgia 2007 Annual Conference Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation SURVEY INSTRUMENT: BOARD MEMBER ORIENTATION 1.Person Completing Survey: Professional/Public 2.Was your board orientation handled in a professional manner? 3.Was the orientation conducted in a timely fashion? 4.Was there sufficient information to prepare you for your role? 5. Please rate your interaction with Division staff: Thorough Considerate Prepared Additional Comments?
Atlanta, Georgia 2007 Annual Conference Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation DISTRIBUTION METHODS Online Renewal- Linked to renewal web pages New Licensee- Survey link ed to licensee 30 days after license issuance Board Member- Survey link ed to members annually Investigative- Survey mailed with disposition letters directing person to DPR website link Board Member Orientation- provided to new members at conclusion of orientation (only manually data entered survey)
Atlanta, Georgia 2007 Annual Conference Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation SURVEY RESPONSE RATES (MARCH-JUNE) Online Renewal- 1264/Index 4.53 New Licensee- 44/Index 4.67 Board Member- 94/Index 4.68 Investigative- 17/Index 3.96 Board Member Orientation- 11/Index 5.00 Overall Customer Satisfaction Index: 4.53
Atlanta, Georgia 2007 Annual Conference Council on Licensure, Enforcement and Regulation Speaker Contact Information James Collins Delaware Dept. of State, Division of Professional Regulation 861 Silver Lake Blvd. Suite 203 Dover, Delaware