4.5 Evaluation of the Cognitive Approach


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Presentation transcript:

4.5 Evaluation of the Cognitive Approach Approach 4: The Cognitive Approach 4.5 Evaluation of the Cognitive Approach

First thoughts With the person next to you, come up with one strength or one weakness of the cognitive approach

In three groups In three groups, you will have one of the debates (not nature/nurture) In your group, you need to decide where on that debate does the cognitive approach stand. How is this a strength and a weakness? Speed date!

How useful is it? Applied vs pure cognitive psychology Use the information on page 82 to answer the following questions. How has the cognitive approach been applied in therapy? How has the cognitive approach aided the legal system? How has the cognitive approach been applied in education?

Is it Scientific? One of the assumptions “Psychology is a science” Read the scientific criteria, provide evidence to explain why the cognitive approach is scientific

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