Quantum Teleportation Presented by: Chris Gooch, Alfred Bonnabel, Jessica Russel, and Destiny Logan
Quantum Teleportation huh? What in the world is Quantum Teleportation? Is it like off of Star Trek? What would it be used for?
Introducing Alice and Bob Alice is a solitary photon who’s current value is unknown. Bob is an entangled pair of photons with a known value.
And this is how. Start with an original to be copied (A) and an entangled pair of photons (B). Pair is identical and at the same state, therefore their “value” is known.
Photon Scrambling One photon from Bob interacts with Alice causing disruption of both photons. Combined value of both photons is teleported to other half of Bob who then takes on that value. Bob’s value is a known and so can be subtracted out to attain Alice’s value.
Quantum Teleportation Detail
What all of this means. Example: Alice = 6 Bob = 14
Why again do we need this Quantum thingy? In 2000 hackers and viruses caused 1.6 trillion $$$$$ worth of damage. U.S. firms save around 266 billion With Quantum Teleportation hackers like Kevin Mitnick would be out of business.
Lets Finish Up New age of Technology Will lead to Competitive Advantages Will be able to securely transmit sensitive information Telecommuting will increase We will boldly go where no man has gone before!!!!