Attending Survey Lean Six Sigma: Resident Work Rounds Project Chand DV. Observational Study Using the Tools of Lean Six Sigma to Improve the Efficiency of the Resident Rounding Process. J Grad Med Educ. 2011;3(2):144-150. Attending Survey Lean Six Sigma: Resident Work Rounds Project For these questions, please use the following scoring system: Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral or no opinion Agree Strongly agree Circle the number which best reflects your response to the following questions: The current system provides me with adequate time to reach my personal teaching goals. After morning rounds, residents have a firm understanding of the plan of care for their patients. The current pre-rounding process allows me to use my time effectively. The current rounding process allows me to use my time effectively. The information conveyed by the residents during formal rounds helps me in developing my plan of care for each patient. I have the opportunity to coach residents and provide timely feedback with regards to their physical examination. I have the opportunity to coach residents and provide timely feedback with regards to their assessments and plans. The current system provides residents with adequate time to complete patient care duties prior to attending noon conferences. The current role of 3rd year medical students in rounds promotes efficiency. 1 2 3 4 5 How could rounds be modified to make them better for patient care? How could rounds be modified to make them more efficient?