Chapter 8 Living Single
Topics to Cover Unique challenges facing singlehood The normative life cycle model The diverse lives of single people Macrosystem forces against singlehood The psychological and physical health of single people Single through commitment to God Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Unique challenges facing singles Discuss singlism and how it affects single people’s lives. Unique challenges facing singles Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Overview Of Singlehood Unique Challenges Facing Singles Overview Of Singlehood Average person spends half of their life single or dating 45% of the adult U.S. population is single or unmarried Many singles report no interest in becoming coupled Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Challenges Facing Singles Unique Challenges Facing Singles Challenges Facing Singles Ignored in public policy and research Marriage and partnership the standard by which others are judged Singles can feel like pariahs or disappointments Many people do not allow singles to adopt Ostracism and discrimination can lead to stress and loneliness Gender differences Singleness is socially constructed Singlism Beliefs stemming from Standard North American Family (SNAF) ideologies Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Coping With Singlism Social support from friends and coworkers Unique Challenges Facing Singles Coping With Singlism Social support from friends and coworkers Some may form “surrogate partnerships” Ways of coping Resistant thinking Managed interactions Embracing singlehood Singles pride movement Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
The normative life cycle model Explain how normative early adulthood developmental processes can affect adjustment in single people. The normative life cycle model Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
The Normative Life Cycle Model All people form romantic relationships, “settle down,” and have children Identity versus role confusion Intimacy versus isolation Marcia’s identity development theory Crisis Commitment Identity achievement Emerging adulthood Fast starters Parents without careers Educated partners Slow starters Working singles Educated singles Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
The diverse lives of single people Discuss the different types of singlehood and some of the key reasons for remaining single. The diverse lives of single people Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Factors Affecting Singlehood The diverse lives of single people Factors Affecting Singlehood Stein’s typology Singlehood determined by choice and time Types Voluntary stable single Voluntary temporary single Involuntary stable single Involuntary temporary single Shostak’s ambivalent, wishful, resolved, and regretful singles Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Factors Affecting Singlehood The diverse lives of single people Factors Affecting Singlehood Non-normative singles Single after 35 Challenging SNAF ideologies Transition between “not yet married” and “single by choice” Living apart together (LAT) Diverse reasons for singlehood Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Macrosystem forces against singlehood Explain how larger cultural values and practices can impact a single person’s life. Macrosystem forces against singlehood Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Macrosystem Forces Against Singlehood Challenges for singles at all levels of the bioecological model Examples from Mormon culture Marriage is expected and required by God Examples from Africa Singlehood a risk factor for HIV and AIDS Women’s rights in African nations Examples from the United States Legal discrimination Influences of poverty, financial penalties of marriage The fight for singles’ rights Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
The psychological and physical health of singles Discuss what research shows about the health and well-being of single people. The psychological and physical health of singles Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Physiological and Physical Health The psychological and physical health of singles Physiological and Physical Health Many apparent benefits to being partnered or married Conveys well-being, intimacy, and social support Gender differences Social selection Singlehood, marriage, and changing times Single seniors Singles strain Varies between types of single people, gender, and ethnicity Protective factors Social support, strong sense of identity, outgoing personality, and good coping skills Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Single through commitment to god Explain how faith-based single lifestyles can be both rewarding and challenging. Single through commitment to god Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Faith-Based Single Lifestyles Single through commitment to god Faith-Based Single Lifestyles God and attachment Priests, monks, and nuns Subsistence living Surplus children sent away to monastic life or priesthood Contemporary faith-based lifestyles More join of own accord Influences of gender roles, patriarchy, and role strain Environmental stressors Example: Thai Buddhist maechii Community perceptions and oppression Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Chapter Summary Discuss singlism and how it affects single people’s lives. Explain how normative early adulthood developmental processes can affect adjustment in single people. Discuss the different types of singlehood and some of the key reasons for remaining single. Explain how larger cultural values and practices can impact a single people’s life. Discuss what research shows about the health and well-being of single people. Explain how faith-based single lifestyles can be both rewarding and challenging. Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.
Open-access student resources Mobile-friendly quizzes Mobile-friendly eFlashcards Learning objective summaries Video and multimedia resources SAGE journal articles Checklist action plan Howe, Marriages & Families in the 21st Century 2e. SAGE Publishing, 2018.