Lesson 8 Good Production Practice #8 Follow appropriate on-farm feed and commercial feed processor procedures. Welcome to lesson eight of the Youth Pork Quality Assurance PlusTM Program. This lesson covers following appropriate on-farm feed and commercial feed processor procedures.
Objectives This lesson will help you : Explain the components of current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) Explain how the cGMPs help prevent feed contamination and ensure accurate mixing As a responsible producer you should understand how to keep your feed from getting contaminated with other materials. In this lesson you will learn the current Good Manufacturing Practices, also known as cGMPs, and how they help prevent feed contamination and promote quality feed production. Good Production Practice 8
Medicated Feed and cGMPs The current Good Manufacturing Practices for processing medicated feed are guidelines that set standards for: Buildings and grounds Equipment Workspace and storage areas Product quality assurance Labeling Recordkeeping A set of guidelines for processing medicated feed, referred to as current Good Manufacturing Practices, is designed to prevent feed contamination and to provide reasonable assurance that the medicated feed is manufactured accurately. The cGMPs must be followed to help ensure safe, wholesome meat products for human consumption. The current Good Manufacturing Practices provide standards for: • Buildings and grounds • Equipment • Work space and storage areas • Product quality assurance • Labeling • Recordkeeping Each standard is set to assure that medicated feed products are suitable for feeding livestock intended for human consumption. REVIEW QUESTION: Q. A set of guidelines for processing medicated feed, are referred to as ______________________. A. current Good Manufacturing Practices (cGMPs) Good Production Practice 8
cGMPs Buildings and grounds Equipment Workspace and storage Clean, adequate space Pest controls in place Equipment Clean and safe Workspace and storage Designed to prevent contamination, organized Buildings and grounds should be kept neat and clean. Good housekeeping helps prevent accidents or mistakes that could contaminate feed. Pest control will help prevent contamination by animals such as rodents, birds, and even dogs and cats. You should ensure that there is enough space for all equipment, and processing and storage of feed. Equipment should be kept clean and safe. Leftover feed inside or on equipment can contaminate the next batch of feed. Prevent build-up of feed ingredients in or on equipment. If you are using scoops, measuring containers and/or buckets to combine medication with feed, clean them between each use. Keep work and storage areas organized. If you have a storage room, keep medicated feeds separate from other feeds. Separation reduces the chances of feeding a medicated feed accidentally. In addition, keep other animal health products, such as medication, in a separate area. REVIEW QUESTION: Q. T/F: Feed mixing equipment needs to be cleaned a minimum of once a year to be considered safe. A. “FALSE” –To prevent cross contamination, you should clean out scoops, measuring containers, and/or buckets between each use. Good Production Practice 8
cGMPs Product Quality Assurance Labeling Recordkeeping Laboratory test conducted or information available Labeling Medications properly handled and stored Labels permanently attached to all medicated feed containers Recordkeeping Production records kept for 1 year Samples of feed and ingredients kept for 6 months Establish quality assurance procedures and check points. Periodically analyze feed to ensure that it is properly mixed and has the proper levels of nutrients and medication. Installing and following procedures is also an effective way to maintain accuracy and consistency. For example, you should establish equipment cleanout procedures so that it is done properly and thoroughly each and every time. Use a labeling system to clearly identify different feeds, drugs, pesticides or other products. Proper labeling will help ensure that products don’t get confused with each other. Never store pesticides with feed or feed ingredients. Ensure that the correct label is permanently attached to all medicated feeds you receive and store. Good records should be kept detailing the mixing of any medications with feed or water. Additionally, record new feed or other items that come into your barn or storage area. One way to keep a record is to keep a clipboard in the feed storage area where you can write down required information. This makes the records available to anyone involved in feed handling. Keep your records for at least one year after the feed is used. You should also keep samples of feed and feed ingredients for at least 6 months after the batch the sample is from is used. REVIEW QUESTION: Q. T/F: One good manufacturing practice is to keep good records of when a feed is mixed or used with any medications. A. “TRUE” Good Production Practice 8
Feed Manufacturing Goals for manufacturing quality feed include: Feed meets nutritional specifications Fee meets desired medication level (if medicated) Feed is free of contaminants (or below tolerance levels) It is important that your animals receive quality feed. Manufactured feed should: 1. Be nutritious 2. Contain the appropriate medication level 3. Have a lower than acceptable level of contaminants or be contaminant-free When you mix or purchase feed you should ensure that the person or company handling your feed follows current Good Manufacturing Practices. Ask your feed supplier about cGMPs prior to purchasing feed. REVIEW QUESTION: Q. T/F: Feed that meets nutritional specifications is one goal when manufacturing quality feed. A. “TRUE” Good Production Practice 8
Mixing Medicated Feeds Proper drug concentrations are important to: Achieve desired benefits of the drug Prevent adverse health effects or violative residues No extra-label usage allowed When manufacturing or mixing medicated feed, it is critical that the feed contains the proper concentration of medication. If the concentration is too low it may not have the desired effect on an animal. If the concentration is too high it may cause negative health effects or violative residue that lasts beyond the labeled withdrawal time. Remember that extra-label use of medicated feeds is ILLEGAL so it is important that your feeds are mixed properly and accurately. Not even a veterinarian can order extra-label use of medicated feed. REVIEW QUESTION: Q. T/F: When manufacturing or mixing medicated feed, it is critical that you make sure the feed contains the proper drug concentration. “TRUE” SUGGESTED GROUP ACTIVITY: Feed Mixing Age: All Time: 3-5 minutes Good Production Practice 8
Feeding Practices Do not feed swine feed to other animals Follow label instructions when feeding animals When feeding animals you should not only ensure that you are providing the proper medication level but you should also make sure that you are using a feed that is correct for that type of animal. For example, you should never feed swine feed, medicated or not, to cattle or other animals. Always follow the label instructions. This will help ensure that the animal receiving the feed is getting the proper feed type and amount of medication. Good Production Practice 8
TakeHome Message Maintain clean Read product labels Keep records Facilities Equipment Storage area Read product labels Keep records Stay organized As a producer you should remember, when you are handling, storing, and/or mixing medicated feeds, that it is important for you to maintain clean facilities, equipment, and storage areas. It is also important for you, and others who handle feed, to pay attention to the product labels and feed tags and keep accurate records. To help avoid contamination of medicated feed you must take steps to keep everything clean and organized. Good Production Practice 8
Summary Follow appropriate on-farm feed processing procedures Identify current Good Manufacturing Practices You should now be able to understand the basics of cGMPs as well as identify and follow current Good Manufacturing Practices for handling and mixing medicated feeds on the farm. Good Production Practice 8
Youth Pork Quality Assurance Plus Questions? Good Production Practice 8