REASONS FOR EUROPEAN EXPLORATION European demand for gold, spices, natural resources Support for diffusion (spread) of Christianity Political & economic competition between European empires
WHY ARE SPICES IMPORTANT? Europeans want spices preserve & improve food, make medicine, cosmetics & perfumes “SPICE ISLANDS” – East Indies (present day Indonesia, Malaysia & New Guinea), & India
WHERE DO THE SPICES GO? Video Muslims/Arabs trade spices, with Italians, then… Italian traders get spices & travel west across Mediterranean to sell for 40x original price! Portugal & Spain seek new route to Asia no more Muslim middlemen (Ottomans)
MAIN REASONS FOR EXPLORATION REMEMBER: 3 G’s and a T MAIN REASONS FOR EXPLORATION GOLD: some seek riches/power GLORY: Some want to learn about new people/ideas & take credit GOD: some want to spread Christianity TECHNOLOGY: made voyages possible
TECHNOLOGY: MERCATOR PROJECTION Cartographers make maps New kind of map that showed true direction (latitude/longitude)
TECHNOLOGY: ASTROLABE Used to determine latitude at sea Originally used by Ancient Greeks, then improved by Muslims Brass circle w/ adjustable rings sights stars for direction
TECHNOLOGY: CARAVEL larger, faster, & more maneuverable Multiple masts, triangular sails & new kind of rudder enabled sailors to steer into the wind Cannons on side Video
TECHNOLOGY: COMPASS Magnetic First developed by Chinese & Europeans improved it for sailing
WHO STARTS SAILING FIRST? PORTUGAL leads the way Prince Henry (“the Navigator”) builds school for navigators, cartographers & explorers sponsored voyages along west coast of Africa searching for route to Asia for spices & gold from Africa Video (stop at 4 min)
BARTOLOMEU DIAS rounded southern tip of Africa Cape of Good Hope (they were hopeful they would find a route to Asia; good “hope” they were still alive) Got beaten up by a storm & had to go back
VASCO DA GAMA 1497 - sails around Cape of Good Hope all the way to Calicut, India buys spices (like pepper & cinnamon) & sells them at 4,000X the original price!
CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS Spain joins the race! Hires Columbus (Italian) to sail west hoping to hit EAST INDIES Instead reached WEST INDIES (Bahamas off Florida) But thought he reached Asia tensions growing between Spain & Portugal
MORE ON COLUMBUS Made several more voyages through Caribbean islands Wrote King Ferdinand & Queen Isabella (Spain) that native people, the Tainos, were easy to convert & enslave Video
Discovery of America Videos The Mutiny video: In a nutshell video: The Real Story of Columbus video
FERDINAND MAGELLAN In search of westward route to “Spice Islands” 1519 – reaches water passage at southern tip of South America (Strait of Magellan) Connects to Pacific Ocean & his crew CIRCUMNAVIGATES the globe He dies in Philippines Out of 237 men, only 18 make it home
JACQUES CARTIER 1534 French explorer Reached a gulf off east coast of Canada Led to a river he named “St. Lawrence” & he followed it inland to Mont Royal (Montreal) Helped to start New France
SIR FRANCIS DRAKE 1580’s English captain Raided Spanish ships & colonies Eventually leads British navy to victory over Spanish Armada in 1588
NATIONALISM The Dutch (Netherlands) create a bustling trading empire throughout Indian ocean Pride in your country Driving force behind competition for exploration Colonies set up in newly conquered lands to establish control (harsh) All leads to decimation of indigenous (native) peoples
Music Videos Discovering America I Can’t Wait to Colonize I’m Spanish and I Know It