Mesa Airlines Fueling Basics
Introduction This course is intended to: Outline Mesa Airlines, Inc.’s Fuel Manual Safety and Technical Data
Part 1-Mesa Manual Overview
Manual Access Mesa manuals can be accessed online at the following URL Note: There is no sign in required for access. Type the following link into your browser to view Mesa Airline's Manuals. Note: The fuel manual is #310 under the “Miscellaneous” section of the web page.
Manual Overview Mesa Fuel Manual 310 Consists of: 7 Chapters 3 Appendices It is especially importance for those doing “Differences” training to know their resources should questions arise.
Manual Overview Cont. Chapter One states the scope and purpose of the manual and: Defines fueling/defueling policy and governing procedures that apply to all Mesa operated aircraft. Provides a list of terms and definitions.
Manual Overview Cont. Chapter Two specifies warnings and Refueling Precautions. Emergencies Warnings Precautions and Safety Diamond Bonding Safety precautions and warnings to be observed during fueling.
Manual Overview Cont. Chapters Three and Four describe step by step fuel service procedures and contain the following information for each type of aircraft operated by Mesa Airlines. Aircraft bonding locations and requirements A/C fuel panel service point diagrams Single point fueling procedures Refueling and Defueling procedures Over-wing fueling procedures Defueling procedures
Manual Overview Cont. Chapter Five covers Vendor / Agent Responsibility. Fuel Storage Facilities - ( 14 CFR 121.105, 14 CFR 121.123 ). Into – Plane Fuel Service provider - ( 14 CFR 121.105, 14 CFR 121.123 ).
Manual Overview Cont. Chapter Six is dedicated to Department and Quality Assurance and defines: Duties and responsibilities Audit criteria
Manual Overview Cont. Chapter Seven sets minimum training standards and contains: Purpose and Responsibilities Record keeping requirements Curriculum / Delivery Methods Paper tests for Into – Plane fueling for vendor personnel
Manual Overview Cont. The appendices contain samples of all forms and documents needed to comply with the intent and purpose of the fuel manual. Appendices also contain Tank Capacities for Mesa Airlines Aircraft. Fueling Personnel MUST follow every aspect of this Manual!
Part 2 Safety and Technical Data Safety Is Always Our First Priority!
NO SMOKING No Smoking within 50 Feet of parked trucks and fuel storage facilities.
NO Metal NO Metal in Heels or Soles.
NO NYLON OR WOOL No Nylon or Wool
IMPORTANT – DO NOT forget to empty shirt pockets before providing overwing fueling!
ALWAYS EXERCISE CAUTION DURING THE PASSAGE OF ANY ELECTRICAL STORM Lightning Each location SHALL have a set criteria for where fueling operations are to be suspended at each airport as approved by the fueling agent and airport authority. Manual 310 States: “Fueling service operations shall be suspended where lightning flashes are in the immediate vicinity of the airport.” ALWAYS EXERCISE CAUTION DURING THE PASSAGE OF ANY ELECTRICAL STORM
Types of Fuel Spills Large Medium Small A spill of six sq. ft. or of a continuing nature. Medium Spills of 18 sq. inches up to six sq. feet Small Spills of a pint or less than 18 sq. in.
Large Spill Response If a large spillage occurs, immediate action must be taken because it represents one of the greatest hazards. The fuel vendor will determine the spill size and action required. Determine the source of the spill and attempt to stop it by operation of the emergency shutoff or deadman control. Notify flight crew and confirm evacuation of aircraft. Notify the Fire Department or appropriate airport emergency crew.
Medium Spill Response Determine the source of the spill and attempt to stop it by operation of the emergency shutoff or deadman control. Notify flight crew and confirm evacuation of aircraft. Post a fire guard equipped with at least one dry chemical or CO2 extinguisher of 20 lbs. or larger. Notification of the Fire Department or appropriate airport emergency crew is at the discretion of the fuel vendor in accordance with local airport policies.
Small Spill Response Determine the source of the spill and attempt to stop it by operation of the emergency shutoff or deadman control. Require no emergency action. Can usually be wiped up with rags.
Fire Extinguishers Per ATA 103 requirements fueling equipment must have a certain number of fire extinguishers. Hydrant Vehicles: Minimum of one 20 lb. B:C rated extinguisher. Tanker Trucks: Minimum of two 20lb. B:C rated extinguishers (Must be mounted on opposite sides of the truck).
Anti-Ice Additives Mesa Airlines, Inc. does not normally use Jet Fuel with Anti-Ice additive, however, some fuel vendors may supply jet fuel with anti-ice additive already added.
Technical Data All fueling hoses must meet API (American Petroleum Institute) standards. Only filters that meet established API 1581 Group II Class C standards will be accepted. The requirements of this manual are in accordance with those found in the Air Transport Association (ATA) Specification 103, as revised: governs the dispensing of aviation fuel to air carrier aircraft
Technical Data Cont. It is required that an operational deadman control be used (on those trucks so equipped). Under NO circumstances can you allow the handle on overwing nozzles to be blocked open.
Fuel Identification Black background with white lettering is used to identify Jet A Fuel.
FUEL FILTRATION Minimum 100 Mesh Minimum 60 Mesh Note: All fuel must be filtered before entering the aircraft’s fuel system. Screens of finer mesh are permitted.
Fuel Pressure Pressure Requirements 40-45 PSI recommended Primary Nozzle Pressure Limited to 40 PSI Secondary Pressure MUST be limited to 50 PSI MAXIMUM pressure cannot exceed 50 PSI
Defueling It is critical that before you begin defueling operations for any Mesa aircraft, please consult the Mesa Airlines, Inc. fuel manual for aircraft specific procedures.
CRJ Defueling CRJ Line of Aircraft Chapter 3 Fuel Manual References Section 5 – Suction Defueling 5.1 Section 6 – Gravity Defueling 6.1
Defueling Normal suction defueling for the CRJ may be accomplished by the vendor. All other types of de-fueling are maintenance functions (including suction defueling without electrical power)
Defueling Fuel removed from Mesa Airlines, Inc. aircraft during de- fueling procedures may only be placed in to a Mesa Airlines, Inc. operated aircraft. Fuel must be filtered prior to re-fueling. Equipment must be inspected for contamination.
THINK SAFETY When parking near any aircraft, please remember to stay outside the “Diamond of Safety”. Diamond of Safety is nose to wingtips to tail.
THINK SAFETY Cont. Allow Ground Personnel to: Chock the aircraft Set Delineators (safety cones) Connect Ground Power Before you approach the aircraft
NOTE All flights are to be regarded as Quick Turns. This ensures good customer service while allowing time to troubleshoot should it become necessary.
Warning Aircraft Must Be on Level Ground Aircraft Must Be Energized with APU Aircraft Battery or GPU (preferred)
Guide Person A guide person must be used at all times when trucks are to be moved within the vicinity of an aircraft. Once in position, the truck must be chocked.
Remember It is the responsibility of the fueler to verify the following prior to fueling. The fueler will communicate to the crew and/or ground personnel when fueling is about to begin and when it has been completed.
Fueling With Passengers Aboard Passengers may board or remain onboard the aircraft during fueling operations under the following conditions: Both engines are shut down. The main cabin door remains open and a method of egress is available ( i.e. jet way or ramp ). Flight attendant(s) remain near their assigned station. Evacuation areas on the ground beneath exit doors are clear of obstructions. There is a clear path of egress via the jet bridge or the air stairs are in normal position used for boarding. In the event of a fuel spill or other related emergency, the fueler will notify the flight crew immediately using any means of communication.
Fueling at the Gate Fueling is permitted while passengers are boarding, remain onboard or are deplaning. Fueling is considered having begun when the following conditions are met: The Assigned Fuel Service Agent receives the fuel load from the appropriate dispatch agent. The aircraft is parked at a gate approved for use by either Mesa Airlines, Inc. or one the codeshare partner that aircraft is operating for. All engines are shut down. APU/GPU is available Aircraft Rotational Beacon is off.
Fueling at the Gate Cont. Aircraft is chocked as required and parking break is set. The main cabin door is open and a means of egress is available. The ground area beneath aircraft exit doors that have been designated for rapid deplaning or emergency evacuation is kept clear of obstructions. Where a boarding bridge is in use, an interior access path is maintained from the aircraft to the terminal. Where a passenger boarding bridge is not in use, aircraft passenger steps or an alternate means of emergency evacuation is in place. Aircraft has electrical power and lighting.