Session 5 - Contributed Papers 5-1 Mitro, M. Stocking Trout of Wild Parentage to Restore Wild Trout Populations: an Evaluation of Wisconsin’s Wild Trout Stocking Program Matthew G. Mitro Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Wild Trout VIII (Sept. 2004)
— Trout streams Study sites
North Branch Oconto River McCaslin Brook & North Branch Oconto River Stocked Wild Brown Trout Survival? No Longevity? No Reproduction? No
Peshtigo River
Hunting River Stocked Wild Brown Trout Survival? Longevity? Age 7 Reproduction? Yes
Waupaca River
West Fork Kickapoo River
Acknowledgements Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Managers and Biologists Ed Avery Dave Brum Tim Larson Lee Meyers John Nelson Al Niebur Dave Seibel Dave Vetrano