“Black and White” Children’s Literature English 3040
The Class Assignments Participation Misc. Quizzes You Posts Attendance Two Small Papers Discussion Active Listening Group Project Your Grade
The Class Participation [20%] Misc. Quizzes [5%] You Attendance Discussion Active Listening Your Grade
The Class Assignments Alice Expose [20%] Two Small Papers You 2-3 pages Using document from The Morgan Exhibit The Class Two Small Papers You Group Project Half Paper [20%] 3 pages Write half of the binary paper: Intro, Thesis, Road map, and at least one close reading Assignments Posts Your Grade
The Class Assignments Whole Class Posts [20%] You Group Project Fairy tale How to Read… Site of Desire Early American Gender Post Racial Innocence The Class Posts [20%] You Group Project Assignments Group Posts 4 rounds Binary Posts & Mess Posts Two Small Papers Your Grade
The Class Assignments Above Ground Group Wonderland Project [40%] You Present a Binary Opposition communicated to and/or through child Make a historical timeline Discuss details of the story told with that binary The Class Group Wonderland Project [40%] You Posts Assignments Under Ground Create a Wonderland Imagine an alternative to binary Write a Group Manifesto Integrate Real World Texts Draft Feaux Documents Create Art for Wonderland Two Small Papers Your Grade