Legislative Update November 10, 2015
Statewide Turnaround School District Statewide school district setup to improve low performing schools Turnaround districts target bottom 5% of low performing schools in state Priority schools removed from authority of local school district Schools typically not returned to local school district SCSBA Belief SCSBA opposes the state takeover of low performing schools by mandating that they become part of a statewide reform, recovery or turnaround school district SCSBA Rationale Evidence that turnover school districts work is shaky at best State of South Carolina has had statutory authority since 1998 Successful school turnaround linked to wraparound services
School Start Date Uniform school start date legislation passed in 2006 linked to fixed dates for state administered tests New state administered test contract may allow flexible testing window Lawmakers support amending uniform school start date law in 2016 legislative session SCSBA Belief SCSBA believes that local school districts should have the flexibility to begin classes as soon as the second Monday in August SCSBA Rationale School calendar approval should be core function of local school districts Districts have difficulty completing the first semester before the holiday break Districts have few options for scheduling statutorily required make-up days
Opt-out Testing (H.4330/S.872) Parents opt children out of standardized testing Legislation allows parents to excuse their children from standardized tests Schools are required to test all students under federal and state accountability laws or face penalty SCSBA Belief SCSBA has no official position, but is concerned about the amount of state testing being performed to grade performance of schools and teachers SCSBA Rationale Districts receiving conflicting messages from state policy leaders when it comes to testing Legislation must include opt-out protections for students, parents, and districts Amount of testing used throughout the year to assist with instruction is concerning
Our Aiken County Schools are Succeeding! Sales Tax Video Conference Ability for all of Aiken County citizens to hear message simultaneously Citizens in attendance excited about message and video conference format Our Aiken County Schools are Succeeding!