Herbert Kroemer, The Professor
“The method is the message”
“If you can’t solve a simpler problem, you surely can’t solve a more complicated one.”
“It’s a crank-finding problem, not a crank turning problem”
“Too much math, too little THINKING!”
“What’s the unit of ‘good’?”
The 6:1A family (InAs, GaSb, AlSb) and its heterostructures: a selective review Herbert Kroemer, Physica E 20 (2004) 196 – 203
“That is utter nonsense!”
“I should be an English professor”
“Are you bragging or complaining?”
“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit” - Harry S. Truman What you don’t want to hear: “Did YOU do THAT?”
Some fundamentals I learned Think! Always think hard! Add complexity in layers Don’t worry about getting credit, Make sure to give proprer credit