1 Introduction This presentation includes some samples from our Interactive KS3 Physics Software. The two CD-ROMs aim to cover the requirements of KS3 Physics through a series of high quality informative slides, diagrams, animations and interactive questions. To fully access the benefits of the software, you will need to have the MACROMEDIA FLASH PLAYER 7 (or later) installed on your computer/network. This program is FREE and downloadable from the Macromedia website at: If you have any problems using this software, please do not hesitate to contact us. Tel: Fax: Web:
2 KS3 Physics 7I.Energy resources 7J.Electrical circuits 7K.Forces and their effects 7L.The solar system and beyond 8I.Heating and cooling 8J.Magnets and electromagnets 8K.Light 8L.Sound and hearing 9I.Energy and electricity 9J.Gravity and space 9K.Speeding up 9L.Pressure and moments The aim of our Interactive KS3 Physics CD-ROMs is to cover the requirements of KS3 Physics in a comprehensive and stimulating fashion. This is done using numerous high quality animations, interactive exercises and a total of over 600 slides.
3 IT: Dispersion
4 Devices Can you identify the electrical device shown?
5 Switches Click on a switch to see its effect.
6 Ammeters Ammeters are used to measure electrical current.
7 Exercise: Circuits 1.Study the circuit below then answer the questions. a)What will happen when the switch is closed? b)Why? c)What do we call this type of circuit? d)Draw how the circuit should be set up so the lamp lights when the switch is closed. The lamp does not light Electricity always takes the easiest route and it is easier to go through the wire than the lamp A short circuit
8 IT: Circuit Symbols
9 Tidal Energy
10 IT: Which Resource?
11 IT: Coal Formation
12 Speed Triangle
13 Average Speed Calculations
14 Exercise: Speed Calculations A bongo walks a distance of 2 400m in a time of 8 minutes. What is the average speed of the bongo in metres per second? Speed = distance/time Speed = 2 400m/480s Speed = 5m/s
15 Kinetic Energy Kinetic energy is the energy a moving object has due to its movement.
16 IT: Types Of Energy
17 IT: Energy Changes
18 Convection Explained
19 IT: Radiation
20 IT: Effects
21 Magnetic Materials
22 Non-contact Force Magnetism is a non-contact force. Using the photograph can you explain what this means?
23 Bar Magnet - Magnetic Field
24 IT: Attracted Or Not?
25 IT: Attracted Or Not?
26 Turning Forces
27 Turning Forces
28 IT: Calculations
29 IT: The Ear
30 The Milky Way
31 IT: The Solar System
32 Day & Night
33 Contact Details If you wish to purchase the KS3 Physics CD-ROMs, priced at £ VAT with an unlimited licence for use at your site, contact us at: POST:JSH Education Ltd PO BOX 354 Wigan WN1 2WA TEL: FAX: WEB: