M. M. Larsen and A. Giorgetti The EMODnet platform: Data and presentation of Nutrients and hazardous substances cases M. M. Larsen and A. Giorgetti 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Phase 1 – limited sea basins Phase 2 - low resolution Phase 3 - multi-resolution EMODnet is a long term marine data initiative developed through a step-wise approach. Currently, available data are being used to create medium-resolution maps of all Europe’s seas and oceans, spanning all seven disciplinary themes - these are expected to be complete in 2015. The next phase of EMODnet will involve the development of multi-resolution sea basin maps, commencing in 2015 to be completed by 2020. Budget gradually increased based on the needs: from 6M in phase one to 16M in phase to to ??? 15M per year in phase 3? What is EMODnet? What is the aim? How does it work?
EMODnet Chemistry: results Collects data from 46 insti- tutes (29 countries) in water column biota sediment Fertilisers, North Sea From all European waters Main web page: http://www.emodnet- chemistry.eu/ Link to data retrieval tools Products display Vertical and horizontal Results/products downloads
Main products: http://ec.oceanbrowser.net/emodnet/ http://sextant.ifremer.fr/en/web/ emodnet_chemistry/catalogue
DIVA concentration maps (Chlorophyll-a example) DIVA products: http://ec.oceanbrowser.net/emodnet/ DIVA concentration maps (Chlorophyll-a example)