Coventry ELL Students By Angela Ilievska Bridging the Gap Coventry ELL Students By Angela Ilievska
Educational Environment, Need, and Goal EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT -My English Language Learners come from various cultural, educational, and social backgrounds. They vary in ages, grades, and English level proficiencies - from Kindergarten all the way to 12th grade and pre-functional to Proficient Language Learners. THE NEED -The most prevalent need is to inability to provide personal laptops for each of my students, to take and utilize at home, in order to complete assignments and practices language skills. THE GOAL -This way the gap between who has a computer and who does not gets smaller. Also, by providing the hardware for my students we can then concentrate on creating and utilizing the online learning environments I and they have created together. This way not only are my ELL students practicing their English skills, but simultaneously are also learning about technology through the use of technology. Educational Environment, Need, and Goal
The current limitations are that not many students and their families have access to computers or might be using outdated equipment, which deters 21st century skill learning; might not have access to the internet, and I am unable to instruct students and parents how to utilize this new equipment and programs. The way to go around in helping minimize such limitations, is by providing updated equipment, and providing after school training to parents on how to use the newly acquired equipment. When it comes to internet, perhaps the school district can make a deal with one of the internet providers, that can allow certain parents based on income, to receive reduced internet connection. limitations
I would, based on the ELL budget and the grant allowance, allow for six month time, for both parents and students get acclimated to using the laptops, the various online programs, and internet. The budget allowance for buying the laptops is 3,000. With this money I am able to purchase only three laptop computers if going thorough the school’s order system. If I am allowed to locate online laptop retailers and purchase laptops at a lower price, averaging from $300 to $600, I will be able to provide 10 to 5 laptops. Timeline and Budget
Evalution & Assessment The users and participants in the program will be the best ones to provide evaluation and assessment in how well the program is organized and implemented. I would do this through the online survey tools, allow for online rating tools, and an “online” suggestion box, where participants (students and parents) can leave inanimate comments, concerns, and ask questions. This way I can then take in and analyze their replies, and provide additional answers, or solutions to problems, concerns, or changes to the online learning environment. Evalution & Assessment
Depending on the success of the initial six months in utilizing the laptops to complete online learning assignments and objects, I can either modify the activities, ask for more laptops in order to provide each of my (30) ELL students with a laptop so as to bridge the inequality gap between the native English speakers and the Second language speakers. Extentions