Lesson 1 INCORRECT: finally adam smith joleen fitzpatrick and i decided to take spanish the hardest class in the school *Find as many mistakes as you can and correct it on your MUGShot Sheet*
Lesson 1 CORRECT: Finally, Adam Smith, Joleen Fitzpatrick, and I decided to take Spanish, the hardest class in the school. Rules: Capitalize the first letter of a new sentence; Use a comma after introductory words; Capitalize names (ALWAYS); Capitalize “I”; Capitalize proper nouns (like the name of a class, city, building, etc); Use a comma in between the items of a list of 3 or more; Use a comma to set off extra information
Agenda Bell Ringer: MUGShot Sentences Point of View vs. Perspective SOAPSTone Purpose Tone Practice with Movie Speech Read, Watch, and Listen to Ellen DeGeneres’ Tulane Commencement Speech Annotate for SOAPSTone Formative Assessment: Analyze the overall purpose of the speech and evaluate its effectiveness
English III Day 4 POV, Perspective, & SOAPSTone RI.11-12.6. I can determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how their style and content contribute to its overall power.
Point of View The method of narration used in literary work. 1st person 2nd person 3rd person (limited, omniscient, objective) Author’s may shift the point of view during a story. This is typically done to achieve a specific effect.
Perspective The view from which a narrative is told. Also refers to the specific take or stance the narrator has regarding the subject. This means the reader needs to be aware of bias. Authors may also choose to shift the perspective of a story from one person or thing to another.
SOAPSTone Speaker: Who or what is presenting the speech? Occasion: The situation in which the speech is delivered; the time and the place Audience: Who are the intended recipients of the message? Purpose: What is it that the speaker hopes to achieve by presenting this speech? Subject: What is the message about? Tone: The attitude of the author.
Purpose Purpose: What is it that the speaker hopes to achieve by presenting this speech? To inform? To reflect? Stop something? Begin something new? Keep something the same? Discover the reason for something? Change someone’s belief? Get someone to buy something? Get someone to take some other action?
Tone Tone is the attitude of the author/speaker/narrator. Tone can be emotional, objective, neutral, or biased. Details such as word choice, sentence structure, and imagery help express tone. Tone handout
Practice with SOAPSTone Pay attention as we watch a speech from the movie Clueless. We will listen and watch the speech twice. Fill out the front side of your SOAPSTone chart as you watch. Speaker Occasion Audience Purpose Subject Tone Speech is only two minutes long https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yf7MT1p1VNI
Formative Assessment As a class, we will read, hear, and watch Ellen DeGeneres’ Tulane Commencement Speech. With a partner, you will analyze the speech for SOAPSTone and identify the overall Point of View and Perspective from which the speech is told. On your own, you will respond to the short answer questions regarding Author’s Purpose.