Circular Economy Disruptions -- Past, Present & Future Workshop: (Re)thinking Circular Economy “from below” Dr. Sebastián Carenzo and Dr. Lucas Becerra Institute of Science and Technology Studies June 19th, 2018 1
Setting the conceptual (and empirical) discussion The goal of this panel is initiate a debate in relation with: The interaction between the concept of "circular economy" and other frameworks on sustainable inclusive development already elaborated "from below“. The need to think circular economy dynamics in terms of “from above” and “from below”, instead of North-South. We need to think how different social groups are empowered and disempowered when economic processes are transformed. An idea for diversity. There is not a single circular economy, in the same way there is not a single linear economy. There are multiple ways (actual and potential) for circular economy (according with different realities) that have to be integrated in terms of a comprehensive political economics of CE. Finally, we have to be careful when we re-define old practices in terms of new analytical and political categories. The process of resignification (give a new meaning) implies political, economical and social effects.
The proposal for this workshop 3 presentations about Circular Economy “from below” (15min each) - Alexander Borda-Rodriguez (Strategic Research Area in International Development and Inclusive Development, Open University, UK) “Social and solidarity economy organisations in the global south: theoretical and practical implications for CE”. - Milan Veselinov, (The Academy for Circular Economy and NGO Un BeSo (United for Better Society, Serbia) “A story about CE from Serbia” - Sebastián Carenzo (Institute for Science and Technology Studies, National University of Quilmes, Argentina) “Epistemic, political and techno-cognitive facets of a Circular Economy "from below" perspective: the case of waste picker’s cooperatives in Greater Buenos Aires” Open questions (10 minutes!) Take many “sticky-notes” you want, in order to write down reflections, comments, questions, and/or critiques in relation to 3 topics (the contributions may be based on the contents of the presentations, as well as the previous experience of each of you). (10 minutes!) Integration of all comments into a “map of issues” and closing comments (10 minutes!)
Topics a) At the level of the ACTORS Which actors are underrepresented, or even not represented at all, within the current Circular Economy approach, but they must be considered? Why? How? b) At the level of the POLICIES Which challenges and opportunities could be highlighted in relation to develop a Circular Economy "from below" agenda in relation to the current social policy framework? c) At the level of the STRATEGIES Which strategies (from universities, grassroot movement, NGOs, and other institutions) can be developed to actively link the Circular Economy "from below" approach with a sustainable and inclusive development dynamics?
Circular Economy Disruptions -- Past, Present & Future Workshop: (Re)thinking Circular Economy “from below” Thanks you! June 19th, 2018 5