Main Currents of Thought… The Enlightenment Setting… Main Currents of Thought… Application of Ideas…
The Philosophes Definition… Montesquieu… Voltaire… Rousseau One of the greatest… The Spirit of the Laws (1734)… Voltaire… Fought father on career and love… Candide (1758)… Rousseau Lousy upbringing makes him bitter… Arts & Sciences (1750).. Social Contract (1762)..
The Enlightened Despots Definition… In France… Louis XV… Louis XVI…. In Austria… Maria Theresa… Joseph II… Leopold…
More Enlightened Despots In Prussia… Frederick the Great… In Russia… Catherine the Great…
The Enlightenment, England and the Colonies… British Reform Movement… Wilkes, Cartwright, Burke… The American Revolution… Ideas… Actions… Significance…