Closing IEEE 802 EC November 2018, Bangkok 802.1 consent agenda Motions for EC agenda, including supporting material Closing IEEE 802 EC November 2018, Bangkok
Agenda - 1 PARs to NesCom (ME) Drafts to Sponsor ballot (ME) 5.0.11 P802.1CMde - Amendment: Enhancements for Fronthaul Interface, Synchronization, and Syntonization Standards 5.0.12 P802.1DF - Standard: Time-Sensitive Networking Profile for Service Provider Networks 5.0.13 P802.1DG - Standard: Time-Sensitive Networking Profile for Automotive In-Vehicle Ethernet Communications Drafts to Sponsor ballot (ME) 5.014 P802.1AS – Timing and Synchronization for Time-Sensitive Applications Drafts to RevCom (ME) 5.015 P802.1Qcy – Amendment: VSI/VDP extensions for NVO3 5.016 P802.1CF – Recommended Practice for Network Reference Model and Functional Description of IEEE 802 Access Network (conditional)
Agenda - 2 Liaisons (II) Liaisons (ME) Items to SC6 (ME) 7.021 Labs Network Industrie 4.0 (LNI4.0) 7.022 IEC TC57 WG10 7.023 Avnu Alliance 7.024 Broadband forum Liaisons (ME) 7.025 ITU-T SG15 (on LS 125 and LS 164) 7.026 ITU-T SG15 (on LS 159) Items to SC6 (ME) 7.027 FDIS comment responses for 802.1AEcg-2017 & IEEE 802.1AR-2018 to SC6 under PSDO
PARs to NesCom
5.011 Motion Approve forwarding P802.1CMde PAR documentation in to NesCom Approve CSD documentation in In the WG, Proposed: János Farkas Second: Jessy Rouyer Sending PAR (y/n/a): 35, 0, 0 Confirm the CSD (y/n/a): 38, 0, 0 In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
5.012 Motion Approve forwarding P802.1DF PAR documentation in to NesCom Approve CSD documentation in In the WG, Proposed: Tongtong Wang Second: Scott Mansfield Sending PAR (y/n/a): 31, 3, 6 Confirm the CSD (y/n/a): 29, 2, 9 In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
Drafts to Sponsor Ballot
5.014 Motion Conditionally approve sending P802.1AS-Rev D8.0 to Sponsor Ballot Confirm the CSD for P802.1AS-Rev in P802.1AS-Rev D7.3 had 94% approval at the end of the last WG ballot In the WG, Proposed: János Farkas Second: Geoff Garner Sending draft (y/n/a): 40, 0, 0 Confirm the CSD (y/n/a): 38, 0, 0 In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
Supporting information P802.1AS-Rev WG ballot closed: 27 August 2018 The ballot resulted in 2 outstanding Disapprove votes 0 outstanding Must Be satisfied comments Comment resolution available here: Recirculation ballot will be conducted during November with comment resolution during December/January on the TSN TG calls. A possible final recirculation in January, if required, with comment resolution at the January Interim and on the TSN TG calls. Ballot results:
Supporting information P802.1AS-Rev Voters with outstanding Disapprove votes: Boiger, Christian Cummings, Rodney These voters have indicated that they are satisfied with the disposition of their comments, but they would like to see the next draft.
Drafts to RevCom
5.015 Motion Approve sending P802.1Qcy D2.5 to RevCom Approve CSD documentation for P802.1Qcy in P802.1Qcy D2.5 had 100% approval at the end of the last Sponsor recirculation ballot In the WG, Proposed: János Farkas Second: Paul Bottorff Sending draft (y/n/a): 42, 0, 0 Confirm the CSD (y/n/a): 39, 0, 0 In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a> * Note that the designation has been changed from P802.1Qcn to P802.1Qcy because of confusion of Qcn with the acronym for Quantized Congestion Notification (QCN).
Supporting information P802.1Qcy Ballot results: Ballot closed: 7 August 2018 Ballot result: 0 outstanding Disapprove votes 0 outstanding Must Be satisfied comments Disposition is available here:
5.016 Motion Conditionally approve sending P802.1CF to RevCom Confirm the CSD for P802.1CF in P802.1CF D3.0 had 98 % approval at the end of the last sponsor ballot recirculation In the WG, Proposed: Max Riegel Second: Hao Wang Sending draft (y/n/a): 40, 0, 2 Confirm the CSD (y/n/a): 39, 0, 2 In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
Supporting information P802.1CF Ballot closed 10 November 2018 No new Disapprove vote in recirculation No new must-be-satisfied comments 2 Disapprove vote flipped to Approve 1 outstanding Disapprove vote Comment resolution of initial sponsor ballot on D2.2: Comment resolution of recirculation ballot on D3.0: Second recirculation ballot will be conducted during November with comment resolution on the OmniRAN TG calls. A possible final recirculation, if required, in January with comment resolution in the January 802.1 Interim. P802.1CF Recommended Practice for Network Reference Model and Functional Description of IEEE 802 Access Network Recirculation #1 Initial Ballot Ballot Open Date: 31-Oct-2018 Ballot Close Date: 10-Nov-2018 Type: New Draft #: 3.0 Ballots Received: 3 Vote Changes: 2 Comments: 14 RESPONSE RATE This ballot has met the 75% returned ballot requirement. 94 eligible people in this ballot group. 73 affirmative votes 1 total negative votes with comments 0 negative votes with new comments 0 negative votes without comments 3 abstention votes: (Lack of expertise: 2, Lack of time: 1) ----------------- 77 votes received = 81% returned 3% abstention APPROVAL RATE The 75% affirmation requirement is being met. 73 affirmative votes 1 negative votes with comments ====== 74 votes = 98% affirmative
Supporting information P802.1CF Voter with Disapprove vote Brian Petry TG responded to the 6 must-be-satisfied comments with ‘revised’ remedies intended to address the issues raised. Voter did not respond to emails, nor participated in the recirculation
‘must-be-satisfied’ comments of Disapprove vote CL: 05 SC: 5.9.6 P: 45 L: 1092 # i-31 Comment Type: TR Comment Status: A Commenter: Petry, Brian The document references "Hotspot 2.0". This is an obsolete Wi-Fi Alliance term. Suggested Remedy: The document should reference Wi-Fi Alliance Passpoint and should include an informative reference to the Wi-Fi Alliance specifications. Proposed Response: Response Status: C ACCEPT IN PRINCIPLE. The comment addresses a valid point, but the suggested remedy requires further details for implementation: -- Change "Hotspot 2.0" to "WI-FI CERTIFIED Passpoint^TM" -- Add a footnote with a reference to the following URL"" ##ed# same as comment i-50 ## CL: 05 SC: 5.9.6 P: 46 L: 1111 # i-32 Comment Type: TR Comment Status: A Commenter: Petry, Brian The reference model fixes the R3 and R5 reference points before (to left of) access gateway and IP services. However, a trend of Wi-Fi public hotspot and even small enterprise deployments is to locate control and captive portal services further to the right, even on the other side of an IP network. Known as "cloud managed Wi- Fi". It seems throughout D2.2 (not just in the Wi-Fi deployment scenarios, cloud-managed networks are not accommodated by the reference model. Suggested Remedy: It seems specific change proposals would be too big to fit here, because the base reference model and descriptions throughout the document in a pervasive sense, to address cloud-managed networks. Proposed Response: Response Status: C ACCEPT IN PRINCIPLE. The comment addresses a valid point, but the suggested remedy is ambiguous and needs to be refined. Of the many flavors of cloud managed Wi-Fi solutions, 802.1CF is applicable to cloud managed Wi-Fi solutions in the defined scope of IEEE 802 technologies, i.e. performing control of layer 2 and beneath. The applicability of 802.1CF to cloud managed Wi-Fi will be described in an amendment to 5.9.3 Enterprise network. [Applied remedy]: -- Amend clause 5.9.3 according to
‘must-be-satisfied’ comments of Disapprove vote CL: 05 SC: 5.9.7 P: 46 L: 1128 # i-33 Comment Type: TR Comment Status: A Commenter: Petry, Brian The whole section proposes il-contrived solutions. The document should not propose new solutions, but just show how the reference model applies to deployment models. For instance, the document does not describe Wi-Fi network (SSID) virtualization for a single AP (sometimes called Virtual AP--VAP--or multi-BSSID). The document does not describe the scenario that home users are likely to replace their Wi-Fi AP/Router more frequently than their IOT devices. Suggested Remedy: Delete the whole section, or vastly simplify it to just explain how the NRM applies to IOT Wi-Fi devices. Proposed Response: Response Status: C ACCEPT IN PRINCIPLE. The suggested remedy is ambiguous, but the comment brings up a valid point that the clause does not describe the replacement of Wi-Fi AP/Router for the deployment model. (BTW: The presented deployment model is subject of an ongoing project of Wi-Fi Alliance called 'Managed Residential IoT Connectivity ( are/current-work-areas)'. The clause 5.9.7 exactly provides what the comment asks for; it shows how 802.1CF could be used to define an architectural model for such kind of widely encouraged deployments with virtualization of a single 802.11 AP already introduced in clause 5.8.) To describe the missed case that CPEs might be more frequently replaced than IoT devices, 5.9.7 will be amended by a description referencing remote CPE configuration and management to cover CPE replacement. [Applied remedy]: -- Amend clause 5.9.7 according to -- Add references to TR-069 and TR-181 to the bibliography.
‘must-be-satisfied’ comments of Disapprove vote CL: 06 SC: P: 54 L: 1390 # i-34 Comment Type: TR Comment Status: A Commenter: Petry, Brian Channel selection and re-selection procedures allow the network (ANC) to force or steer terminals (NA) to different radio channels and different ANCs (APs) within the same Access Network. It seems the detailed discussion about channel selection and re-selection should be outside the scope the document. Also, the language and reference model do not fit with newly developing standards in the Wi-Fi alliance, such as "Optimized Connectivity Experience (OCE)." Suggested Remedy: Remove section and and just refer to the possibility of channel selection and re-selection by the terminal or driven by the network. Proposed Response: Response Status: C ACCEPT IN PRINCIPLE. The comment raises a valid point, but the suggested remedy demands further details for the editorial changes. [Applied remedy]: -- Remove text of section and -- New text under Channel selection: "Channel selection is part of NA initialization to tune each of its radio to a designated channel on the unlicensed band. Each NA should preferably select a non- overlapping channel either autonomously or following instructions from ANC. Each NA should be able to determine and to report all the channels on which one or more over-lapping NAs or terminals are operating. The algorithm used by the NA to select the channel is beyond the scope of this specification." -- New text under Channel re-selection: "The NA may re-select another channel for operation either autonomously or following instructions from ANC. Switching to that channel will cause its connected terminals to lose connectivity temporarily. The algorithm used by the NA to re-select the channel is beyond the scope of this specification."
‘must-be-satisfied’ comments of Disapprove vote CL: 06 SC: 6.1.7 P: 58 L: 1518 # i-35 Comment Type: TR Comment Status: A Commenter: Petry, Brian Detailed procedures (6.1.7) for Access Network Setup (6.1) seem out of scope for this document. This document should recommend any details about operating in unlicensed spectrum or provide guidance about how a radio network should behave in this manner. If standards are available for various radio networks (including Wi-Fi or other), they should just be referenced. Also, 6.1.7 seems to be focused on radio networks and not wired networks. Wired networks have similar issues about setup procedures. Suggested Remedy: Delete section 6.1.7 or provide references to radio network standards. Include information about wired access networks. Proposed Response: Response Status: C ACCEPT IN PRINCIPLE. The CRG had difficulties to understand the comment and concluded, that the commenter likely intended to express "... This document should _not_ recommend any details about operating in unlicensed spectrum...". [Applied remedy]: -- As unlicensed spectrum is not mentioned at all in text of, the title should be rephrased to 'Access network set-up procedure', to indicate that the text is fully applicable to wired networks as well.
‘must-be-satisfied’ comments of Disapprove vote CL: 00 SC: 0 P: L: # i-36 Comment Type: GR Comment Status: A Commenter: Petry, Brian Generally, the recommendation is too detailed and too big to be consumed, followed and adopted effectively by future standards. Consider removing text that describes details about internal workings, especially those of radio networks. And instead focus only on the reference points of the model. To meet a goal of the PAR, that the recommendation actually be used by the community and future standards, I strongly feel the document needs to be greatly simplified. Suggested Remedy: Delete and rework about 1/3 to 1/2 of the document that describes details that don't relate directly to the reference model. Proposed Response: Response Status: C ACCEPT IN PRINCIPLE. The comment is very broad without providing specific recommendations on suggested edits to the text. However, it brings up an issue of clause 6.1 missing a clean distinction of network set-up functions and authorized spectrum management leading to the impression of excessive complication, and the missing guidance for functional amendments to 802.1CF through future standards. To address both deficiencies, the clause 6.1 was reworked to about half of its original size by deleting the content on authorized spectrum management as introduced by IEEE 802.11 TVWS, IEEE 802.19.1, and IEEE 802.22. The deleted content was moved into a normative annex with the same outline as the clauses 6.1 .. 6.8, to demonstrate how future standards introducing new functions can easily adopt and amend the 802.1CF specification. [Applied remedy]: -- Adopt new clause 6.1 and an additional Annex A (normative) according to proposal.docx -- Increment previous annexes to B (informative), C (informative), and D (informative) and correct reference in line 533 to 'Annex B'
Liaisons (II)
7.021 Motion Approve liaison of the following response to Labs Network Industrie 4.0 (LNI4.0) Granting the IEEE 802.1 WG chair (or his delegate) editorial license. In the WG (y/n/a): 41, 0, 0 Proposed: János Farkas Second: Ludwig Winkel In EC, for information
7.022 Motion Approve liaison of the following response to IEC TC57 WG10 Granting the IEEE 802.1 WG chair (or his delegate) editorial license. In the WG (y/n/a): 43, 0, 0 Proposed: János Farkas Second: Ludwig Winkel In EC, for information
7.023 Motion Approve liaison of the following response to Avnu Alliance Granting the IEEE 802.1 WG chair (or his delegate) editorial license. In the WG (y/n/a): 43, 0, 0 Proposed: János Farkas Second: Ludwig Winkel In EC, for information
7.024 Motion Approve sending the following liaison to Broadband Forum Granting the IEEE 802.1 WG chair (or his delegate) editorial license. In the WG (y/n/a): 41, 0, 0 Proposed: Jessy Rouyer Second: János Farkas In EC, for information
Liaisons (ME)
7.025 Motion Approve liaison of the following response (to LS 125 and LS 164) to ITU-T SG15 Granting the IEEE LMSC chair (or his delegate) editorial license. This approval is under LMSC OM “Procedure for communication with government bodies” In the WG (y/n/a): 42, 0, 0 Proposed: János Farkas Second: Scott Mansfield In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
7.026 Motion Approve liaison of the following response (to LS 159) to ITU-T SG15 Granting the IEEE LMSC chair (or his delegate) editorial license. This approval is under LMSC OM “Procedure for communication with government bodies” In the WG (y/n/a): 40, 0, 0 Proposed: Scott Mansfield Second: János Farkas In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>
JTC1 SC6 PSDO items (ME)
7.027 Motion Approve liaison of the following comment responses to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC6 under the PSDO agreement: IEEE 802.1AEcg-2017 IEEE 802.1AR-2018 In the WG, Proposed: Paul Congdon Second: Mick Seaman Sending liaison (y/n/a): 40, 0, 0 In EC, mover: Glenn Parsons Second: Roger Marks (y/n/a): <y>,<n>,<a>