Workplace Readiness Skills and Professionalism in the Workplace Marketing Co-Op
Ethics in the Workplace Positive Work Ethic A set of principles and values that govern our behavior Knowing the difference between right and wrong Using that knowledge to make decisions about how we behave To follow all company policies and procedures completely Someone who is ethical is….. Honest Dependable Loyal Efficient Modest Enthusiastic Positive
Demonstrating Positive Work Ethic Punctual arrival time 10-15 minutes early Consistent attendance Willingly taking direction from your boss Show respect Be friendly Taking initiative Doing things without being asked How do you define positive work ethic? How can a positive work ethic guide your behavior at work? Why is a positive work ethic valued by teachers and employers? Where did you acquire attitudes and beliefs regarding a work ethic? Is it possible to change attitudes and behaviors? What resources are available to help you strengthen your work ethic?
Demonstrate Integrity Integrity: the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles Using sick and personal days only when necessary Remembering your actions and behavior affect those around you Exhibiting honesty and reliability
Unethical Behavior from “The Office”
Demonstrating Teamwork Skills Contributing success to your team of coworkers Being a team player! Assisting others for the greater good of the company Asking for help when needed Being positive, friendly, and approachable What team skills are helpful at school? In the workplace? What are the various roles of team members? What are the consequences of using the strengths of team members? Of not using the strengths of team members? What can you do to integrate a new person into your group or team?
Demonstrating Self-Representation Skills Dressing appropriately Professionally and following dress code Maintaining personal hygiene Using manners and language suitable to the workplace Try and limit too much personal information that might not be professional What is the relationship between self-image and self-representation skills? Why are self-representation skills important in school? On the job? How can you improve your self-representation skills? What techniques can you employ to overcome shyness? To overcome nervousness?
Common Personal Attire Mistakes of Teens Girls Boys Short skirts/shorts Cleavage showing Extreme heel height Distracting Jewelry Jeans (if not appropriate for job station) Flip Flops Heavy makeup White socks Baggy pants Boxers Wrinkled clothing Messy hair Tattoos Facial Piercings Poor Hygiene Too much cologne Oversized/too small clothing Forbes article:
Read Professional Dress Article
Demonstrating Diversity Awareness Working in a respectful and friendly manner with all customers and coworkers Treating all with the same degree of respect Respecting diversity in the workplace: Age Gender Religion Ethnic background
Demonstrating Conflict Resolution Skills Negotiating diplomatic solutions to interpersonal conflicts Personality conflicts Cultural differences Disagreements about how to handle work projects Performance issues
Resolving Customer + Co-worker Conflicts Methods Listening Giving feedback Empathizing Being ethical Having a clear understanding of company polices Exhibiting patience What are potential customer conflicts? Co-worker conflicts? What are the benefits of being able to resolve customer conflicts? Co-worker conflicts? How does an employee learn how to resolve customer and co-worker conflicts? Why should employees be empathetic to customers’ and co-workers’ situations?
Demonstrating Positive Workplace Relationships What to Do Maintain an open mind Show a willingness to work and help others Adapt to a variety of personalities Exhibit flexibility and maturity Avoid work gossip How does it benefit an employee to develop positive working relationships with peers? With supervisors? Why is it important to be flexible in the workplace? What are the benefits of having a positive attitude at work? What are the drawbacks of having a negative attitude at work?
Demonstrating Creativity and Resourcefulness Contributing new ideas Demonstrating initiative readily, independently, and responsibly Dealing skillfully and promptly with new situations and obstacles How do you demonstrate independence and initiative at school? At work? How can independence and initiative impact your school goals? Career goals? How would you suggest that a worker demonstrate independence and initiative without overstepping his or her authority?
Exit Ticket Provide at least 2 reasons why being on time to work is important for you and your employer? What does integrity mean in your own words? Do you display integrity at your work station? Is diversity important or necessary in the workplace? Why or why not? List three ways to deal with work conflict. How can you be creative or resourceful in your training station?