ZOROASTRIANISM Persian religion Good god and bad god – right vs. wrong – eternal battle
JUDAISM Hebrews – Semitic people living in Ancient Mesopotamia Hebrew Bible – Torah (law code; also Ten Commandments) Israelites believe they’re God’s chosen people First major monotheistic religion – God as omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent Hebrew diaspora – a scattering of the people throughout the world due to persecution Awaiting a Messiah that will usher in the kingdom of God and restore the nation of Israel
CHRISTIANITY Jesus as Son of God and Savior Preached love, mercy, compassion, equality among believers Crucified; Christians believe in his resurrection Christian Bible = Old Testament (Torah) + New Testament (writings about Jesus’ life) Big missionary pull – Paul and other apostles
HINDUISM – INDIA Aryan invasion to the Indus Valley Polytheistic Caste system – social organization based on hereditary And, originally, color of skin
HINDUISM – INDIA Karma – if you do good, good will happen to you; if you do bad, bad will happen to you Dharma – fulfilling your castely duty Samsara – circle of birth, death, and rebirth Moksha – release from samsara; uniting with the divine Brahma, the creator Vishnu, the preserver Shiva, the destroyer
BUDDHISM Siddhartha Gautama – the “Buddha,” or “enlightened one” All life is suffering; the cause of suffering is desire; to stop suffering, stop desiring Therefore, Buddhists live lives relatively free of material possession
BUDDHISM Karma – if you do good, good will happen to you; if you do bad, bad will happen to you Samsara – circle of birth, death, and rebirth Nirvana – release from samsara; uniting with the divine Eightfold Path Four Noble Truths
Hinduism only Buddhism only Both Reincarnation Cyclical view of history Belief in a state of enlightenment (Hindu moksha, Buddhist nirvana) The Middle Way (Eightfold Path) Four Noble Truths Caste system Vegetarian
PHILOSOPHIES Ways of life; moral codes; the study of existence (no deities)
LEGALISM “Rule-following” Humans are born evil and will only obey authority through force Obedience through fear Characteristics: Strict laws Harsh punishments for breaking the laws Sacrifice of personal freedoms for the good of the state Examples?
CONFUCIANISM Founded by Confucius Based on relationships and respect Hierarchical and harmonious relationships Society functions when everyone plays their part Mutual respect
CONFUCIANISM - RELATIONSHIPS 1. Ruler Subject 2. Father Son Filial piety respect your elders! Status Age Gender 3. Husband Wife 4. Older Brother Younger Brother 5. Older Friend Younger Friend
DAOISM Founded by Laozi Dao = “the path” Look toward nature for understanding and comfort Emphasizes acceptance and individual retreat from society Rely on senses and instinct to discover the nature and ‘rhythm’ of the universe Formed as a result from witnessing the Warring States period
BALANCE OF OPPOSITES Yang Yin OPPOSITES MUST BE IN BALANCE Masculine Active Light Warmth Strong Heaven; Sun Feminine Passive Darkness Cold Weak Earth; Moon Yang OPPOSITES MUST BE IN BALANCE
RECAP Universalizing religions: religions with a core of beliefs that transcend cultures and actively recruit new adherents (anyone can convert) Examples?? Ethnic religions: religions that create strong social bonds between people but mainly are restricted to one ethnic group (people can’t always readily convert; not a strong missionary aspect)