Hypsometry of canyons and gullies in the central US Atlantic slope Dina Vachtman and Neil C. Mitchell, The University of Manchester, UK Hypsometric curves represent the distribution of area with elevation in landscapea. Such curves calculated for the Atlantic slope are treated as cumulative probability functions so that gross canyon shapes can be parameterised in terms of simple statistics (skewness, kurtosis and integral). Based on such statistical attributes, we have identified four hypsometric curve types: toeless concave, S-shaped, flattened-J-shaped and convex. Toeless concave S-shaped J-shaped Convex These types turn out to correspond remarkably well to network geometries in plan-view. Narrow networks (straight trellis patterns - types I, II) correspond to toeless concave and S-shaped hypsometric curves. In contrast, networks with smaller aspect ratios and more highly branched (types III, IV) correspond with flattened-J-shaped and convex curves. These linkages have been surprising and may suggest an underlying control of erosion process on large-scale form, presently being investigated.