Self-Image Grade 8 Health
Write a definition of BEAUTY What makes buildings, objects BEAUTIFUL or ATTRACTIVE? What makes people BEAUTIFUL or ATTRACTIVE?
According to the free Merriam-Webster dictionary beau·ty noun \ˈbyü-tē\ : the quality of being physically attractive : the qualities in a person or a thing that give pleasure to the senses or the mind
Ideas About Scientific Research on What Humans Consider Beautiful
What’s the Golden Ratio? &FORM=HDRSC3&adlt=strict#view=detail&mid=F575FEAAAD1E8A92 BFD2F575FEAAAD1E8A92BFD2
Scientific Study of Beauty video_n_3246594.html If the link doesn’t work, type into a google search the following words: huffington post science of beauty
Ideas about Fitness & Beauty
Is this beautiful?
Is this beautiful/attractive?
Is this beautiful/attractive?
STOP HERE , 8-4. Here are your response choices Mandatory: Title What is your definition of beauty? Choice: Science & Beauty Do you think you personally fit with the scientific findings that we look for golden ratios (average-looking people) and find them attractive/beautiful? Why or why not? Children & Body Image Read the Barbie article. Will you buy a child in your life (niece, nephew, neighbor) a regular- sized Barbie or an average Barbie for a gift? Why/why not? Fitness & Beauty Do you think the very muscular bodies are beautiful? Why/why not? The New Pretty Read the article The New Pretty and give your opinion about the new model Chantelle Brown- Young.
Ideas About Culture & Art BAROQUE ART is often thought of as a period of artistic style that used exaggerated motion and clear, easily interpreted detail to produce drama, tension, exuberance, and grandeur in sculpture, painting, architecture, literature, dance, and music. The style began around 1600 in Rome, Italy and spread to most of Europe.[1]