How far do you agree that the reform of parliamentary representation was driven by pressure, in the years 1815-1928, from those excluded from the franchise? 20 marks LESSON 33 Aim: To review the main factors, so far, behind greater parliamentary representation.
How far do you agree that the reform of parliamentary representation was driven by pressure, in the years 1815-1928, from those excluded from the franchise? (20 marks)
How far do you agree that the reform of parliamentary representation was driven by pressure, in the years 1815-1928, from those excluded from the franchise? 20 marks Factor – excluded franchise Other factors Early radical movements Political parties – Whigs/Liberal party 1832 reform act Lord Russell – reform act 1866 – defeated Pressure from people, political unions and press Political Parties – Tory/Conservatives Disraeli 1867 reform act Chartism Economic / social climate Women WW1 Trade unions Labour Party