Bavarian Research Alliance GmbH (BayFOR) Founded as a private non-profit SME with locations in Munich, Nuremberg and Brussels to support Academia and SME in European R&D project application Dr. Thomas Ammerl Bavarian Research Alliance GmbH (BayFOR) Head of Unit Environment & Energy Prinzregentenstr. 52 80538 Munich/Germany - Bavaria Tel.: +49 (0)89 9901888-120
BayFOR skills and support in European Research Funding BayFOR minimum condition for cost-free support one consortium-partner from Bavaria Hands-on support for R&D-consortia EEN-Partner-search for international research consortia Connecting key players (academia, economy, policy etc.) Proposal writing, e.g. scientific background documents, administrative and financial issues (eligibility criteria, funding schemes, Pert, Gantt, tables, budget etc.) Support during negotiations with the EC Contractual matters NEF, DoW, GPFs, CA
BayFOR skills, requirements and interests Implementation of the project Project management (internal/external communication, budgetary issues, reporting) Dissemination of project ideas BayFOR-tasks: PR, events, conferences (office in Brussels), newsletters, project-websites etc. Strategic and political networking (regional, national, international) Interests in topics due to already existing international network with good project ideas ENV.2013.6.2-7 Developed of advanced technologies and tools for mapping, diagnosing, protecting and managing cultural landscapes in rural areas (two-stage) ENV.2013.6.2-8 Sustainable management of Europe`s deep sea and sub-sea floor resources (two-stage)