Year 3 Staff - Mr Jennings, Mrs Leung, Mrs Begum, Meet the Teacher Year 3 Staff - Mr Jennings, Mrs Leung, Mrs Begum,
Our class timetable is...
Things to know Homework is set on Friday’s usually on the Google Drive with some being handed out for those who don’t have access to a computer or tablet. Spelling test is on Friday every week and the spellings will be given out every week. Read every night: Child to parents - 10 minutes Child alone - 10 minutes Parent to child- 5 minutes , maybe a bedtime story. PE days are...please bring in PE kit on a Monday and then leave until friday as this means children will always be prepared…
Standards - non negotiables (has to be done!) Handwriting - capital letters, full stops, joined up Presentation - letters formed correctly, no rubber, ruler to draw a line through mistakes. Times tables - these should be practised every night. They need to know up to the 5x table at least. Word lists - will be on their outcome sheets in books but also can be located on the website for parents every week, though they may only change every few weeks?
Reciprocal Reading We read altogether.
Our awesome curriculum for this half term
Interventions Interventions occur every day after assembly for maths and everyday for other subjects. This is not determined by a ‘group’ children are in necessarily but more by need. One child may be excellent at calculation but terrible at word problems, for example and would need an intervention.
Thank you! All children have received their mathletics logins and most have received the Google Drive logins. Google Drive is very important as it is what they will be able to access some of their homework on.