Age of Exploration World History Mr Pack
Ancient Civilizations Mayans- cities built around a central pyramid, which was tribute to the Gods. Among the first to create 365 day calender Spanish burned Maya books, and writings thinking them to be evil Colonization- a settlement that is linked with a parent country through trade, and direct government control
Mayan architecture
Ancient Civilizations Incan Civilization- great builders of roads and Manchu Picchu
Incas Conquistador- Spanish conqueror of the Americas Francisco Pizzaro- Spanish conquistador, conquered the Incas with steel weapons and gunpowder. Encomienda- natives convert to Christianity and provide tribute (metals, agriculture, etc.) in exchange for instruction and protection. Forced labor, starvation and disease ravaged native populations. Population drops from estimated 25 million to 1 million in Mexico (disease)
Pizzaro Conquistador
Aztecs Aztec civilization- located in modern day Mexico Catholic missionaries converted natives to European Religion and built parishes, schools and hospitals. Hernan Cortes- Conqueror of the Aztecs, received help from local lords who wanted to be free from Aztec rule. Montezuma- Aztec leader, who originally welcomed Spanish (believing them representatives of a God) later had them ousted from city. Disease weakened his troops, which lead to defeat.
Aztec Art calender stone, human sacrifice
Cortes, Montezuma