JOBBTORG STOCKHOLM 2018-12-31 Good morning! My name is Helene Bengtson and I’m the director of Jobbtorg Stockholm, which would probably best be translated into ”Marketplace for Jobs in the City of Stockholm” Jobbtorg Stockholm From social assistance to self sufficiency Helene Bengtson Managing Director
Social assistance in Stockholm 92 million Euros in 2007 19 000 households A little more than 36 000 individuals In average 7 months out of 12 Single men and women without children the largest group 4 300 immigrants studying Swedish 1 500 heavy drug-abusers 45% between 30-49 years of age Approximately 50 % due to unemployment Estimated target-group 1/1 2008: 7 500 In 2007, the economy in Stockholm was flourishing. The number of people receiving social assistance as well as the cost of social assistance was at a very low level. However, at the same time as the employers had difficulties in finding suitable employees, 50 % of the people receiving social assistance stated unemployment as the main reason for applying for social assistance. JOBBTORG STOCKHOLM 2018-12-31
Directions for Jobbtorg Stockholm One entrance for all activities aiming to assist the unemployed receivers of social assistance into the labor market Focus on jobs; our goal is to participate in and manage the process towards self-sufficiency through work or studies The same service throughout the City of Stockholm (the principle of equal treatment) Of the three pillars of active inclusion our focus is, obviously, access to the labor market The Swedish Public Employment Service is commissioned by the Swedish Government to implement Government's and Parliament’s labor market policy objectives. Even so, the municipalities are service providers in the field of social services including social assistance. Therefore the City of Stockholm decided to establish Jobbtorg Stockholm with the sole purpose to assist receivers of social assistance into the labor market. Our focus is self sufficiency through work or studies. We operate from 7 different locations within the City of Stockholm and we provide the same services throughout the city. Our goal is to find the individual’s own sources and possibilities in the job market. JOBBTORG STOCKHOLM 2018-12-31
A new idea? A permanent organization within the City of Stockholm One goal being to cooperate with the Swedish Public Employment Service and the social insurance office The use of contractors To measure and follow-up the results equally for all units and equally over time In the past, the city has operated within different projects with different kinds of financing for shorter or longer time periods. Jobbtorg Stockholm is a permanent organization within the municipality. We cooperate with the Swedish Public Service to provide job-seekers within our target-group with better assistance. We use private providers too broaden our services. As it’s important to measure our results, we’ve built a report-system to follow-up on what works and what doesn’t. JOBBTORG STOCKHOLM 2018-12-31
Contractors 24 contractors 4 different subsidiary target-groups New immigrants, Immigrants studying Swedish, Youths, Others Different programs A whole chain of activities leading to a job Limited activities such as shorter vocational courses, on the job training, job-preparation and motivation, ability-valuation Legislation is very strict as to which contractor is chosen; there is a set picking-order for the different subsidiary target-groups and the different programs/activities We work with 24 Contractors, private as well as NGOs. Our candidates are divided into 4 subsidiary target-groups, New Immigrants, Immigrants studying Swedish, Youths and Others. The contractors provide different programs. Thera are programs including a whole chain of activities aiming to find and obtain a job and there are limited activities such as shorter vocational courses, on the job training, job-preperation and motivation . We chose contractors due to subsidiary target-group and needed activity. JOBBTORG STOCKHOLM 2018-12-31
Managing Director Helene Bengtson + Management team Organization Managing Director Helene Bengtson + Management team Advisory Committee Jobbtorg Vårberg Centrum Jobbtorg Farsta Centrum Jobbtorg Rosenlunds-gatan Jobbtorg Vällingby Centrum Jobbtorg Kista Centrum As I said earlier, Jobbtorg Stockholm are located in 7 different locations. The managers of each local Jobbtorg and I, form a management team for the organization. Youths Lunda JOBBTORG STOCKHOLM 2018-12-31
“Stakeholders” District Administrations Trade and Industry Department of Education Administrators Matchmakers Coaches Candidate Student guidance IT-teachers Contractors Social insurance office Public Employment Service Our work starts with the candidate. Within the organization we have about 80 coaches working close to the candidates and about 60 matchmakers working closely together with the local Trade and Industry. We also have Student guides and IT-teachers. I’ve already mentioned how we use our contractors. Other important stakeholders are the district administrations as they provide social welfare allowence, Department of education as one of our goals is to make ore candidates study within the existing educational system. Also the Swedish Public Employment System and the Social insurance office as we aim to be a partner for them as well. Jobbtorg Stockholm JOBBTORG STOCKHOLM 2018-12-31
Some numbers… 2008-01-01—12-31 9 771 registered 1 025 outside our target-group (redirected to the District Administration) “no-shows”: approximately 22 % of the “signed-ups” 5 535 participants in December 3 635 have ended their process, excluding those redirected to the District Administration (the Social Welfare Services) 42 % of those in our target-group are thereby self-sufficient 2 400 participants in contracted programs/activities 250 participants in programs/activities held by departments within the District Administrations Some numbers for our first year… JOBBTORG STOCKHOLM 2018-12-31
What happens now? More people loose their jobs Less people have unemployment insurance More people come to Jobbtorg Stockholm We have to offer more long-term programs 1 400 openings for on the job training in the City Even closer cooperation with the Swedish Public Employment Service More assistance for those furthest from the labor market as a mean to work against social exclusion We need to try different ways of assisting the job-seekers. We develop different programs through projects, we find different ways to promote studying towards a profession, we try to find and create special jobs within the City and we try to work even closer to the Swedish Public Employment Service wich provides our job-seekers with even more resources in the field of education and training. JOBBTORG STOCKHOLM 2018-12-31
EUROCITIES NLAO decentralised & comparative research on local active inclusion policies social services: housing & employment involvement of other stakeholders financial support through PROGRESS duration: March 2009 – August 2010 To follow up on our results is very important for Jobbtorg Stockholm. For that purpose, we have developed a report system. Also, it´s important for us to compare with other cities and to learn from other experiences. This is the main reason the City of Stockholm entered as a partner in the Eurocities NLAO project. As employment/training is one of two focus areas, Jobbtorg Stockholm is an active part of the project. I’ll just give you a brief overview of the NLAO project to end my presentation. The EUROCITIES Network of Local Authority Observatories on Active Inclusion is a network of 5 cities (…) having set up observatories within their administration. Those observatories conduct research, looking into how active inclusion policies are implemented on the local level, particularly with regard to social services. The national research of the LAOs forms the basis for comparative research on the EU level (EUROCITIES Brussels office). => national reports + European reports On both levels, the EUROCITIES-NLAO is engaging with other stakeholders to review their findings. The project was launched in March and will last until Aug 2010. In the first project phase the EUROCITIES-NLAO focuses on social services in the fields of social & supported housing and employment/training.