Crohn’s Disease inflammation of the small intestine (deep into the lining) affects men and women equally – runs in families the cause? body’s immune system reacts to a virus or bacteria tests show abnormal immune system – but is it caused by the disease or does the disease cause the abnormality?
Crohn’s Disease symptoms: abdominal pain diarrhea rectal bleeding weight loss fever tests may show anemia (due to intestinal bleeding)
Crohn’s Disease tests treatment blood work colonoscopy treatment meds to control inflammation nutritional supplements if needed meds to relieve symptoms of diarrhea and abdominal pain treatment controls the symptoms, not the disease – no cure surgery to remove the inflamed part of the small intestine in severe cases
Ulcers open sores on the wall of the stomach or small intestine 1/10 people get an ulcer the cause? most ulcers are caused by a specific bacteria many have the bacteria, but not all get ulcers maybe due to the level of acids in the stomach of those with the bacteria it is thought that the bacteria weakens the stomach mucus coating
Ulcers symptoms tests abdominal pain nausea frequent burping weight loss vomit or stools may have blood in sever cases tests medical history and exam endoscopy upper GI series
Ulcers increased risk with alcohol and cigarettes treatment alcohol wears down the stomach lining nicotine increases stomach acid treatment meds to kill the bacteria meds to reduce stomach acid changes in lifestyle
GERD gastro esophageal reflux disease the esophagus becomes irritated or inflamed due to acid backing up from the stomach affects about 1/3 of adults at least one time/month – 10% of adults affected daily
GERD gastro esophageal reflux disease contributing factors alcohol and cigarettes medications diet (fats, spicy, garlic, onions, caffeine, fried foods) habits – large meals before bed many new meds – over the counter and prescription
Obesity 1/3 of Americans are obese 2/3 of Americans are overweight more men are overweight – more women are obese 300,000 preventable deaths each year in the US strong familial component
Obesity increased risk of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, gall bladder disease, cancer (breast, prostate, colon) why the increase of obesity? decreased physical activity accessible cheap, high calorie, fast food processed and pre-packaged foods
Anorexia Nervosa teen girls obsessed with thinness fat body image no matter how thin starve themselves and exercise constantly often perfectionists – has a strong emotional (psychological) component
Anorexia Nervosa related problems stopped menstrual period dry skin hair loss extreme weight loss feeling cold often sick can be at risk for death from starvation
Bulimia similar to anorexia nervosa, but not as sever a weight loss has binge and purge behavior – may use diuretics and laxatives