COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Upper Extremity Quiz 11 Brachial Plexus COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - axilla in nursery school we called it? COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - axilla COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - axilla within the axilla we will study arteries, veins, and nerves COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - vessels LEFT SIDE COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - vessels LEFT SIDE COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - vessels LEFT SIDE COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - vessels note that the axillary nerve and the caudal humeral circumflex artery pass into the muscle together COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - vessels LEFT SIDE COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - vessels LEFT SIDE COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves LEFT SIDE COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves important notes: 1. medial cord gives rise to ulnar nerve and half of the median nerve 2. lateral cord gives rise to musculocutaneous nerve and half of median nerve COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves 3. ulnar nerve runs by itself in the arm – it passes posterior to the medial epicondyle of the humerus – hit it and ouch! 4. ulnar nerve runs with the ulnar artery and the ulnA bone in the forearm (Grant, Grant, Grant!) COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves 5. median nerve runs with the brachial artery in the arm – in the cat they pass through the supracondyloid foramen 6. median nerve runs with the radial artery and the radius bone in the forearm (Grant, Grant, Lincoln!) COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves 7. musculocutaneous nerve runs along the belly of the biceps brachii in the arm 8. it also serves the lateral cutaneous area of the forearm 9. it does not go into the forearm COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves LEFT SIDE COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves more important notes: 10. posterior cord gives rise to axillary nerve and radial nerve 11. radial nerve goes deep into the arm with the deep brachial artery COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves 12. radial nerve emerges on the lateral side of the arm and a superficial branch of it runs with the cephalic vein into the forearm – it runs on the brachioradialis and serves it too COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves 13. a deep branch of the radial nerve goes deep into the posterior compartment of the forearm and serves the extensor muscles and the supinator muscle COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves mnemonic: Ralph Turner Drinks Cold Beer! R for rami T for trunks D for divisions C for cords B for branches COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves ANTERIOR RAMI C5 C6 C7 C8 COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED T1
Brachial Plexus - nerves TRUNKS C5 upper trunk C6 C5 & 6 middle trunk C7 C7 C8 lower trunk C8 & T1 COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED T1
Brachial Plexus - nerves A = anterior DIVISIONS C5 P = posterior A upper trunk C6 P A middle trunk C7 P P C8 lower trunk A COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED T1
Brachial Plexus - nerves CORDS C5 A upper trunk lateral cord C6 P C5, 6, 7 A middle trunk C7 posterior cord P C5, 6, 7, 8 & T1 P C8 lower trunk medial cord A C8 & T1 COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED T1
Brachial Plexus - nerves BRANCHES C5 musculocutaneous n. A upper trunk lateral cord C6 axillary n. P median n. A middle trunk C7 posterior cord radial n. P P C8 lower trunk medial cord ulnar n. A COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED T1
Brachial Plexus - nerves musculocutaneous nerve – axillary nerve – median nerve – radial nerve – ulnar nerve – COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves musculocutaneous n. upper trunk A lateral cord C6 axillary n. P median n. middle trunk A posterior cord C7 radial n. P lower trunk P medial cord C8 ulnar n. A T1 COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED neck deep to clavicle axilla mostly arm
Brachial Plexus - nerves the cords are named for their position relative to the middle third of the axillary artery – one is medial to it, one is lateral to it, and one is posterior to it COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves at this point I want to review two versions of this information prepared by two students as study guides – we will learn from their mistakes and their triumphs! COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves syndromes: COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles next is a transverse section through the arm midway between the shoulder and the elbow – how many bones? we will look at the muscles and how they relate to the nerves COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - muscles TRANSVERSE SECTION COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles anterior compartment of the arm: 1. 2. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles 3. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles posterior compartment of the arm: 1. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - muscles TRANSVERSE SECTION COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles anterior compartment of the forearm: mnemonic: Pete Rose Swings Up P – pronator teres R – flexor carpi radialis S – flexor digitorum superficialis U – flexor carpi ulnaris COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles 1. 2. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles 3. 4. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles 5. 6. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles 7. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles posterior compartment of the forearm: mnemonic: Big Larry Bird Coach Lacks Undies! B – brachioradialis L – extensor carpi radialis longus B – extensor carpi radialis brevis COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles C – extensor digitorum communis L – extensor digitorum lateralis – cat only U – extensor carpi ulnaris COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles 1. 2. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles 3. 4. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles 5. 6. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles 7. COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus – muscles hand: 20 intrinsic muscles in the hand – both origin and insertion in the hand we will simplify COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves now we will review material on the overheads (handouts) with nerves being the focus COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves each compartment dominated by one nerve: anterior arm – posterior arm – anterior forearm – posterior forearm – COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves hand – COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves lastly the distribution of nerves to the skin of the hand: COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Brachial Plexus - nerves COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Upper Extremity – Brachial Plexus Quiz #11 – brachial plexus and its terminal branches COPYRIGHT 2013 by William C. Johnson II, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED