Family Spirit Contest Desert Oasis September 2018 GO TEAM!!! Communities 1120 CUTTER AVE. Yuma, AZ 85365 Office: (928) 329-9014 Fax: (928) 329-9047 Hours: 7:00am - 4:00pm Monday through Friday Family Spirit Contest Take a picture of your family in your favorite football team attire and send to us for a Family Spirit Contest. Whether you cheer on your favorite College or your favorite NFL team let your pride show. Washing Green! An easy way to clean green is to turn the dial on your washing machine to cold. Most loads don't need hot water, and 90% of the energy used by washing machines goes into heating. The higher the water temperature, the higher the cost to you and the planet. All family football photos must be submitted by Monday, September 24th On Friday September 28th the winning family will be announced. Submit your photos to Christie at or drop them by the Housing Office. Inside this Issue Page Community Events 1 Maintenance Messages 2 Community Connections 3 Calendar 4 GO TEAM!!!
Preventative Maintenance VOLUME 8 ISSUE 9 D E S E R T O A S I S NE W S Page 2 Maintenance Messages Got a pest that just won’t leave? Desert Oasis Communities offers pest control spraying once a month in your home, if needed. This month pest control will be here Friday, September 21st The last day to sign-up is Thursday, September 20th. For more details, or to schedule your appointment, please call the office at: 928-329-9014 Landscaping If you have automatic sprinklers in your yard and notice that they are not coming on we ask that you please put in a work order. If you are in a civilian home please note that all portions of the landscaping is your responsibility. If there is a tree or bush that is over ten (10) feet tall our crew will trim it to the lowest possible height and it will be up to the resident to maintain it to that height. Watering is an important fact living here in the desert. Please remember to water not only your yard but the trees in your yard as well. October 1st begins the water conservation process, so we would like to see all yards green and maintained until that day. Once October 1st rolls around you will only be allowed to hand water your yards. However they will still need to be maintained in a neat fashion during October 1st to April 1st. If you have any question concerning landscaping please feel free to contact us and we will do our best to answer your question. Preventative Maintenance Desert Oasis Communities maintenance technicians will be working from the 3rd quarter preventative maintenance schedule. The schedule for the quarter is as follows: 1174-1187B, 1250-1257, 1352-1439 Please call the Housing Office at: 928-329-9014 or email Christie at: to Schedule your required preventative maintenance.
Deadline is September 26th. D E S E R T O A S I S NE W S PAGE 3 VOLUME 6, ISSUE 4 D E S E R T O A S I S NE W S PAGE 3 Community Connections . Congratulations to Luca & Lillian for winning August Coloring contest. Stop by the office to pick up your Gift. Update your information: Awesome Neighbor Program: Congratulations to: Melissa Brown We are in the process of updating our records and ask that you take the time to complete the next page. Thank you for your cooperation. You can email the information to Kristel at or fill the form out and drop it by the office. This month Nominee: Melissa helps me out by watering and mowing my yard anytime I ‘m not able too. She comes over to check on me and see if I need anything. I know that mowing one yard in this heat is hard enough then to do two yards means the world to me and is greatly appreciated! Coloring Contest Attached is this months coloring contest picture. Please have your child of any age, color the page and return it To the Community Center. Make sure they put their name and address on the back. Deadline is September 26th.
House number ____________ Lease Holder: ___________________ DOB __________ Spouse _______________________ DOB __________ Child _______________________ DOB __________ Email Address ______________________________ Phone number ______________________________ Cell Phone _______________________________ Place of employment __________________________ DOD/Cont/NAF/MWR __________________________
Football Photo contest winner announced PAGE 4 September 2018 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 Offices Closed in observance of Labor Day 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Town Hall Meeting 1700-1800 Howard Cantonment Building 515 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Last Day to sign up for Pest Control 21 Pest Control 22 23 24 Last Day to submit Football Photos 25 26 27 28 Football Photo contest winner announced 29 30
September Coloring Contest: Don’t forget to write Name, Age and good contact number on the back.
Awesome Neighbor Program I think we all know a great neighbor who is always there to help, or we have witnessed wonderful random acts of kindness by a parent, teen or service member in the community. Wouldn’t you love to be able to recognize those people for the AWESOME things you have witnessed? We would love to help. Please take a minute to complete this simple form. Each month we will select a deserving resident and recognize them for their AWESOMENESS with a certificate of appreciation and a gift card. We will include your brief write-up with the presentation and post their picture in our next newsletter. We look forward to hearing about all the great people that live with us! Your Name: Contact Information: Your Awesome Neighbor: Please tell us about your nominee: Thank you so much for your participation!