SMOKING. SMOKING CHINA Population: 1.3 Billion Number of smokers: 350 million 57%-67% of males smoke; 1.9% -3.1% of females smoke The largest producer.


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Presentation transcript:


CHINA Population: 1.3 Billion Number of smokers: 350 million 57%-67% of males smoke; 1.9% -3.1% of females smoke The largest producer and consumer of tobacco in the world Each year, Chinese smokers consume an average of 1771 cigarettes

Cigarette Smoke Thousands of chemicals are found in cigarette smoke More than 50 of these chemicals are carcinogens (causes cancer)

What makes cigarettes ADDICTIVE? NICOTINE A drug that is a stimulant & a depressant It reaches the brain in 7 seconds It makes you feel “good”

What are some effects of smoking?

Short Term Effects Smelly Clothes Bad Breath

wrinkles Bad Skin

Yellow Teeth Yellow Fingers

Reduced athletic performance Body is not getting enough oxygen

Food does not taste as good

heart disease lung disease throat cancer Skin damage wrinkles mouth cancer throat cancer Skin damage heart disease lung disease wrinkles


Increase risk of osteoporosis

LUNGS are used for breathing LUNG CANCER

Breathing Problems


Why STOP Smoking? Skin will look healthier Fingers and teeth lose yellow color Blood pressure & pulse returns to normal 20 minutes after your last cigarette Risk of heart attack lowers 24 hours after your last cigarette Breathing will improve after 3 days Food will taste better

9 out of 10 smokers start before they are 18 years old Chances are– IF YOU DON’T SMOKE IN HIGHSCHOOL, YOU WILL NEVER SMOKE

Anti-smoking Ad’s

Anti- Smoking Poster Get into a group of 4 or 5 Get one piece of poster paper Create a ANTI-SMOKING poster You will be marked on the following: /20 creativity/originality of idea /5 color/detail/effort /5 Time on task/participation /5 Rationale paragraph on back explaining your poster /5