Response to Intervention John W. Garvy School September 2010
Cultural Shift “Individual commitment to a group effort – that is what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work.” -Vince Lombardi
What is RTI? According to Bender & Shores… …a process of implementing high-quality, scientifically validated instructional practices based on learners needs, monitoring student progress & adjusting instruction based on students’ responses. ASSESS ADJUST TEACH
RTI is… A process, not a program A mind set A focus on progress monitoring A response to individual needs Differentiating instruction A three-tiered system of grouping students A necessary change in order to help our students reach their potential A scheduled 30 minute period daily called WIN (What I Need) Time where you will get support staff 2 to 3 times per week. WIN Time is from 2:15-2:45 every day. Student achievement is the responsibility of our entire school community.
RTI Structure 5% Tier III 15-20% Tier II 100% start Tier I EVERY student at Garvy school will receive RTI... Even students in Tier I. RTI is a mind set that will help every student at Garvy School. 5% Tier III 15-20% Tier II 100% start 80% never leave Tier I Garvy is approximately 20%.
-- Tier I RTI – Tier I All students begin here Researched-based curriculum Dibels, Scantron, ISAT assessments On-going Professional Development Interventions as needed GENERAL EDUCATION
RTI – Tier II -- Tier II No more than 15 – 20% of school population Researched-based curriculum All Tier I interventions + Progress Monitoring with other assessments/checklists On-going Professional Development Intensive Interventions for 12-15 weeks in smaller groups Assistance from RTI team with checklists/placement/assessments GENERAL EDUCATION Consider Tier II a HOTEL stay. This is not a place students will stay.
RTI – Tier III -- About 5% of school population Intensive Progress Monitoring & Strategies Additional Assessments as needed On-going Professional Development Usually referred to SBPS (School-Based Problem Solving) to determine special education eligibility. Students can always go to and leave Tier III.
RTI Implementation John W. Garvy School Year 1 Focus on Reading for Year 1 Grades K, 1, 2, 3, all Special Education students will have scheduled WIN Time. All other grade levels are required to follow through with RTI. Classroom teachers will have assistance from resource teachers in the building. RTI Team will meet every Thursday morning to assist your grade level team…please see schedule in presentation All staff can come to the RTI team for assistance at any time. Together, we will build on what works and fix what is broken
Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 RTI Implementation John W. Garvy School September 7 – October 22, 2010 TEACHER RESPONSIBILITIES Kindergarten Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 All other grades Dibel every student Review last year’s Dibels/TRC results Review Scantron & ISAT data Assess using regular curriculum Group students in Tiers based on data and classroom assessment Tier students using RTI Tiers Review Reading Scantron from 2nd grade Document, document, document Reading Scantron Assessment after Oct. 11, 2010. (set up with Mr. Ravury) Review Scantron results for reading from 3rd grade All students in the building will be placed in RTI Tiers. Every teacher in the building is responsible to have their students in place by October 22, 2010.
RTI Implementation John W. Garvy School October 22 – November 11, 2010 RTI team will review teacher Tier submissions. Students will be grouped according to need. Locations for groups will be assigned. Resource staff will be assigned according to need.
RTI Implementation John W. Garvy School November 12, 2010 Classroom teachers will meet with resource staff to discuss how they will be utilized daily during WIN time. Teachers will discuss student needs and activities planned for small groups. Classroom teachers & resource staff will progress monitor every student in Tier II & Tier III daily/weekly.
RTI Implementation John W. Garvy School November 15, 2010 WIN time will be practiced…teachers will share small group assignments with students and will practice moving quickly to their locations. WIN time will not take place today. Please practice with your students so they understand where they are going and what is expected. Students in Tier I will stay in classroom and work on challenging seat or partner work and/or extended lessons of curriculum. At this time, it is at the classroom teacher’s discretion what Tier I students will work on, however, it is the goal to push our students who meet the standards to exceed the standards.
RTI Implementation John W. Garvy School November 18, 2010 Full WIN sessions will begin. The scheduled time for grades K-3 will be 2:15 – 2:45 PM daily.
RTI Implementation John W. Garvy School RTI Team Meetings will begin Thursday mornings from 8:15 – 8:50 AM. Teachers will bring cases to the team and we will help assist you with progress monitoring, assessment, Tier placement & activities. Teachers will be invited to attend meetings according to the following: 1st Thursday of month: Kindergarten 2nd Thursday of the month: Grade 1 3rd Thursday of the month: Grade 2 & 3 4th Thursday of the month: Other students as necessary
RTI Team John W. Garvy Terri Hehn – office Michelle Honda – Room 108A Heidy LaFleur – office Emily Lyons – Room 108A Karen Martin – Room 108 Mary Zelasko – Room 113
Cultural Shift “What we call differentiated is not a recipe for teaching. It is not an instructional strategy. It is not what a teacher does when he or she has time. It is a way of thinking about teaching and learning. It is a philosophy.” -Carol Ann Tomlinson