The Iceman
Over 5000 years ago, a man climbed up to the icy heights of the Alps, near the border between Austria and Italy, and died. He was found by accident on September 19,1991, with his clothes and equipment, mummified and frozen. He became an archaeological sensation and a unique snapshot of a Copper Age man.
For several years highly specialized research teams have examined the mummy and the articles found with it. They have been on exhibit since March 1998 in the Museum of Archaeology in Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
His axe was one of the clues that told scientists he was actually from the Copper Age. His backpack showed that he was carrying many items on his back, leading scientists to believe he was on some type of journey or movement of some kind.
His bow and arrows found directly beneath his body have led some scientists to speculate that he was actually in the midst of battle and engaging with possibly the perpetrator who killed him.
The Iceman’s Pouched Belt showed that he was accustomed to traveling and carrying various items he would need on his journeys. The Iceman’s Shoes revealed that he was prepared for travel with shoes that would protect his feet.
The Iceman’s Flint Dagger
Otzi was a unique and remarkable find Otzi was a unique and remarkable find. He was a mummy completely encased in ice, almost fully preserved with information about his life and what it was like to live 5,500 years ago. Otzi’s incredible story sparked interest in the life of a man we will in no way truly know, yet he has captivated audiences worldwide with his story.