Overt : adjective Spanish: Word Origin open to view or knowledge; not concealed or secret Word Origin Middle English, from Anglo-French, from past participle of ovrir to open, from Vulgar Latin *operire, alteration of Latinaperire Spanish: evidente
Overt pronunciation: \ō-ˈvərt
overt synonyms: antonyms: Explicit Undisguised Hidden Covert Secret Open Explicit Undisguised antonyms: Hidden Covert Secret
overt Related Forms: overtness - noun overtly - adverb
overt An overt attempt to get your teacher off-track might fail. Snape had disliked all of their previous Dark Arts teachers, and shown it — but he seemed strangely wary of displaying overt animosity to Mad-Eye Moody. Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire “he did it overtly”