The Inferior Courts
U.S. Court of International Trade Hears cases involving disputes over laws and rules governing international trade Example: an importer who believes that they have been wrongly denied the right to bring a product into the country may seek relief from this court U.S. Court of International Trade
U.S. TAX COURT Hears disputes over federal taxes. Example: A citizen disagrees with a judgment made by the internal revenue service. U.S. TAX COURT
U.S. COURT OF APPEALS FOR VETERANS CLAIMS Created to administer programs for men and women who served in the military Example: Disputes over benefits, disability payments, etc. U.S. COURT OF APPEALS FOR VETERANS CLAIMS
U.S. Court of Federal Claims A sovereign nation is immune to being sued unless it agrees to be sued (sovereign immunity); Congress, however, has identified instances in which parties can bring complaints against the U.S. Government This court hears claims against the U.S. government for more than $10,000 U.S. Court of Federal Claims
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces Members of the military are subject to the uniform code of Military Justice This code addresses the special and unusual need for order and discipline in the military In cases of violation of the code, the military holds hearing called court martials to decide cases This court hears appeals from these court martials U.S. Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces
National Security Courts Congress created two courts charged with balancing the demands of national security with the rights of U.S. residents Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Courts Review and authorize requests by the government to conduct spying operations on American soil if it determines that the target of the investigation is an “agent of a foreign power” Alien Terrorist Removal Court Reviews requests by the U.S. attorney general to remove from the country an individual suspected of being a terrorist National Security Courts
Used after 9-11 as special courts to try individuals captured by military forces and classified as enemy combatants Military Commissions
Washington D.C. AND TERRITORIAL COURTS Congress has authorized the creation of local trial and appellate courts to try cases in D.C., Guam, the Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands Washington D.C. AND TERRITORIAL COURTS