Pastries and Pie Crusts
Ingredients and Functions FLOUR STRUCTURE FAT TENDERNESS, FLAKYNESS SALT FLAVOR WATER TEXTURE, BINDER 2 Pie shells: Single or Double + + + =
Storage of pies Cream or custard pies Savory pies Refrigerator Savory pies Fruit Pies Counter Top
Nutrition in Pies Some pies like Fruit Pies have vitamins and minerals found in them. Savory Pies can have meat and eggs in them which is in the protein food group of Myplate. They can also have vegetables that contain vitamins and minerals.
How to make a pie crust
Rope Piecrust Press thumb into dough edge at an angle, then pinch dough between thumb and knuckle of index finger. Place thumb in groove left by index finger; pinch as before. Repeat, rotating pie plate as you go.
Zigzag Piecrust With kitchen shears, make diagonal cuts, 1/2 inch apart, around edge of crust to rim of pie plate. Using index finger and thumb of one hand, gently pinch each cut piece and alternately point toward center and rim.
Fork-Scallop Piecrust Push knuckle of index finger against outer edge of rim; with index finger and thumb of other hand, press to make scallop. Repeat, leaving 1/4-inch space between scallops. With floured fork, press edge.
Turret Piecrust With kitchen shears, make cuts, 1/2 inch apart, through the edge of crust to rim of pie plate. Fold cut sections alternately toward center and rim.