Labor Day- No School Art Art Worship w/ Ms. Emily Worship w/ Ms. Emily Staff Development Day-No School Fire Truck Day MWF class Fire Truck Day TTH class Art Art SRP Drills Worship w/ Ms. Amy SRP Drills Worship w/ Ms. Amy Move and Groove Move and Groove
Hedgehog September Newsletter Important dates: September 3rd: Labor Day- No school September 10 & 11: Worship w/ Ms. Emily September 17 & 18:: Fire Truck Day September 21st: Staff Development Day- No school September 24 & 25: SRP Drills & Worship w/ Ms. Amy Reminders: Please have your child wear closed toed shoes to school. Label ALL of your child’s items. Please check your child’s file folders everyday. Please do not send hand sanitizer on backpacks Classroom volunteer hours count towards your overall required school hours! Insights for Parents of young children A child’s work is to create the adult he or she will become. Each little task, especially if it is self-chosen, contributes to his development. Some examples are…scrub potatoes, roll pie dough, grease pans, decorate cookies, match socks and water plants. It is important to arrange situations in which your child can imitate your actions and work with you at everyday tasks. ~by Aline D. Wolf This month will be about houses, sunflowers, community helpers, fire safety & apples. Save the Date: Conferences in October Shape of the month: Circle Color: Red Fruit of the spirit: Love