Statistics Finland Tuula Kuivalainen Luxembourg 4 & 5 May 2006 How to use Customer Satisfaction Surveys in Customer Relationship Management Statistics Finland Tuula Kuivalainen Luxembourg 4 & 5 May 2006
Customer feedback system at Statistics Finland Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
The Purpose of the Customer Satisfaction Survey To develop the survey in compliance with Statistics Finland’s CRM strategy To measure customer satisfaction and strength of customer relationships To monitor the development compared to the previous survey conducted in 2003 To produce systematic and objective information on how customers evaluate Statistics Finland as a co-operative partner and provider of services in its field Statistics Finland’s products and services To identify targets for improvement and development To identify areas of strength from customers’ perspective in Statistics Finland’s activities Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
Fieldwork Information Internet survey on 12 - 24 April 2005 The electronic questionnaire was produced with web inquiry software The respondents were sent two reminders by email The inquiry was answered by 455 customers Benefits of the web questionnaire Questionnaire and grading scales Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
Sampling method A random sample from a sample of 1031 persons from customer database The contact persons made purchases to the total value of at least EUR 100 were left The hundred largest customers in terms of total purchases strategic customers and Employment and Economic Development Centres were included comprehensively. The response rate failed to reach 40 respondents due to technical and five respondents could not make the link work The obtained response rate was 46.1% (received answers / successful transmissions) Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
Representativeness of the survey data Sample Responses size of sample % number of respondents Total 1032 100 % 455 Segments Central government 153 15 % 59 13 % Local government 313 30 % 145 32 % Enterprises 224 22 % 92 20 % Educational institutes 91 9 % 41 Libraries 14 1 % 7 2 % Research institutes 131 67 Organizations 106 10 % 44 Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
Basic tool for customer relations management Customers of services subject to charge 14,400 major customers Approx. 29,000 contact persons 9,600 customers per year APPLIX customer management software Contains information on all Statistics Finland’s paying customers and their purchases from 1999 onwards Contact details, purchasing history, campaigns, notes about dealings, agreed activities, offers, agreements, invoicing Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
Fields of Activity of Statistics Finland The Structure of the Study Commitment and Loyalty Real partner or co-operration level The irreplacability of products and services of SF Agreeability of co-operation Recommendation Value of Customer Relationship Overall estimate of SF as provider of statistical services Value for money Benefit, support to activities of clients Fields of Activity of Statistics Finland Planning and ordering stage of products Implementation of work and products Delivery of products or services Marketing and communication of services Contact persons and their ways of handling CR Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
Different Approaches... The Management Team image overall satisfaction loyalty and commitment Director, Marketing value of customer relationship marketing and communication of products/services Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
General grade for Statistics Finland’s services in 1992–2005, customers’ assessment Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
Marketing and Communication of Products/Services Activeness and sufficiency Competence in selling products and services Correct targeting of actions Availability of information about novelties and changes Communication and marketing on the Internet Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
… Different Approaches The Segment Teams /Segment Manager fields of activity; a) ordering and planning stage b) implementation of products and services c) delivery the opinion of less satisfied customers and reasons for unsatisfaction use segment groups as background information The Key Account Manager the handling of customer relationship The Team of Web Page Development web based services Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
Handling of customer relationship Strength Area for development Tilastokeskus 2005 n= 416 Tilastokeskus 2003 393 Activity level (%) Weight coefficient Poor / Satisfactory Very good / Excellent 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1 0,0 -100 -75 -50 -25 25 50 75 100 Contact persons and handling of customer relationship Service attitude Ease and flexibility of co-operation Easily accessible contact persons Receiving of answers Closeness and adequacy of co-operation Clearly defied responsibilities Support in understanding/usage of data Availability of help in problem situations -13 -16 K 11 . Yhteyshenkilöt ja asiakassuhteen hoito -9 -11 54 49 0,30 K11h. Palveluasenne -7 -10 54 55 0,17 K 11 d . Yhteistyön helppous ja joustavuus -9 46 46 0,13 K 11 b . Helposti tavoitettavat yhteyshenkilöt -18 -20 40 42 0,12 K11e. Vastausten saaminen -9 51 53 0,10 K 11 c . Yhteistyön tiiviys ja riittävyys -16 39 36 0,07 K 11 a . Selkeästi määritelty kuka vastaa mistäkin -21 -22 34 35 0,04 K 11 g . Tuki tiedon ymm . / hyödyntämiseen -12 -14 42 44 0,01 K11f. Avunsaanti ongelmatilanteissa -13 -15 46 48 Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
Free web-based services - n= 325 Activity level (%) Poor / Satisfactory Very good / Excellent -35 52 43 27 -20 -19 -100 -75 -50 -25 25 50 75 100 K 12 a . Usefulness and importance to own work b Käytön helppous ja toimivuus K12c. Etsimienne tietojen löytämisen helppous K12a. Usefulness and importance to own work K12b. Ease and functionality of use K12c. Ease of finding sought data Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
Charged web-based services n= 162 Activity level (%) Poor / satisfactory Very good / exellent -24 63 54 42 -11 -14 -100 -75 -50 -25 25 50 75 100 K 12 d . Hyödyllisyys ja merkittävyys oman työn kannalta e Verkkopalvelun käytön helppous ja toimivuus K12f. Etsimienne tietojen löytämisen helppous K12a. Usefulness and importance to own work K12b. Ease and functionality of use K12c. Ease of finding sought data Statistics Finland / TK 05.05.2006
Thank you!