NATO April 1949: NATO alliance 10 west European countries, the US and Canada sign the Washington Treaty Created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Collective security system "an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe or North America shall be considered an attack against them all" (article 5) NATO'S FIRST SUPREME ALLIED COMMANDER EUROPE GENERAL DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER, DECEMBER 1950
NATO (1949) United States Luxemburg Belgium Netherlands Britain Norway Canada Denmark France Iceland Italy Luxemburg Netherlands Norway Portugal 1952: Greece & Turkey 1955: West Germany 1983: Spain
Warsaw Pact (1955) Formed by the USSR to counter NATO in Europe Albania Bulgaria Czechoslovakia East Germany Hungary Poland Rumania
Europe After WWII: Competing Aims US aims Democracy and capitalism as practiced by the US allows for freedom of property ownership and participation in government. The US wanted freed trade such that the US would BUY resources and then sell manufactured products. The US wanted other countries to have freedom of action, and then choose to want to trade with the US, US wanted Germany to be strong so that it would not fall under totalitarianism as it had after WWI. Soviet aims Communism under the USSR did not allow for any of these things, thus being complete opposites and unable to work together. The USSR wanted to take what it wanted and generally did not sell anything. (It did sell things to its allies in some cases). the USSR wanted its neighbors to have no choice but to act as defenders of the USSR territory USSR wanted to punish Germany and keep it weak so it would not attack USSR again. Where is the Iron Curtain? The two countries could not economically relate because the two systems were entirely incompatible.
The Arms Race The Soviet Union exploded its first A-bomb in 1949. Now there were two nuclear superpowers!
Nuclear Arms Race Reliance on nuclear weapons to keep the peace Neither side could allow the other to get too far ahead U.S. created CIA Gathered info using spies Brinkmanship - willing to go to the brink of war If war came, both sides hoped to destroy other side's nuclear weapons before they could be used Massive Retaliation
Truman approves development of hydrogen bomb 500x more powerful than atomic bomb Nov. 1952: 1st U.S. hydrogen bomb exploded 1953: USSR exploded one THIS WEB SITE ALLOWS YOU TO INPUT BOMB STRENGTH AND SHOWS THE DAMAGE THAT WOULD HAPPEN GOING OUT FROM THE CENTER OF THE BLAST.
USSR WAS THE FIRST TO SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCH AN ICBM 1957: ICBM, Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles nuclear bombs carrying missiles with ranges of over 5,000 miles No place on earth was safe from nuclear destruction USSR WAS THE FIRST TO SUCCESSFULLY LAUNCH AN ICBM FIRST US ATLAS ICBM
Space Race U.S. and USSR raced to be the first to conquer space 1957: Sputnik first satellite (USSR) 1961: 1st man in space Yuri Gagarin (USSR) Apollo program US works to catch up 1969: 1st Man on the moon Neil Armstrong (US) Discuss p. 537
Assignment Pg. 536 #3-7