Rayis Imayev Geo Location of Twitter messages in Power BI
Brand & campaign management solution template for Twitter, Aug/Sep 2016 Geo Location of Twitter messages in Power BI, Rayis Imayev
Advanced Search Solution Template for Bing News, May 2017 Geo Location of Twitter messages in Power BI, Rayis Imayev
Campaign & Brand Management for Facebook Pages, June 2017 Geo Location of Twitter messages in Power BI, Rayis Imayev
Brand & Campaign Management Solution Template, Architecture Logic Apps pull data from Twitter Logic App passes tweet into an Azure Function Azure Function enriches tweet and writes it to Azure SQL Azure Function also calls Azure ML experiment running Python script to work out sentiment of tweet Power BI imports data into it from Azure SQL and renders pre-defined reports
Demo Initial Configuration Let’s change something
Helpful links Rayis Imayev (https://datanrg.blogspot.ca/) https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/twitter-solution-template/ https://appsource.microsoft.com/en-us/product/web-apps/microsoft-powerbi.pbisolntemplate_cmpgnbrandmgnt_twitter?tab=Overview https://microsoft.github.io/BusinessPlatformApps/appdoc.html?file=Source/Apps/Microsoft/Released/Microsoft-TwitterTemplate/README.md https://datanrg.blogspot.ca/2017/06/geo-location-of-twitter-messages-in.html Rayis Imayev (https://datanrg.blogspot.ca/) Member of the local Power BI User group in Toronto Love working with Open Datasets Data Analytics consultant at Dimensional Strategies Inc. where we create custom solutions leveraging the power and insight of data http://www.dstrat.com/