Review of Recommendations from TDW-4 Fifth Tuna Data Workshop (TDW-5) 18-22 April 2011, Noumea, New Caledonia SESSION 2 Review of Recommendations from TDW-4 This is a brief presentation looking at what we might envisage a regional auditing system of tuna fishery data collection and management systems to involved (or comprise) … Oceanic Fisheries Programme (OFP) Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
Review of TDW-4 Recommendations With respect to the legal aspects of data provision, the following were recommended: SPC and FFA collaborate to consider the development of a set of legal guidelines (including reference to best-practice laws) that could be used by member countries for review of their various legal documents/mechanisms (i.e. access agreements, licence conditions, regulations, etc). The set of legal guidelines should cover all types of data collection (i.e. logsheets, unloadings, licence data, port sampling data, observer data, etc), based on the obligations and requirements at both the regional and national level, in particular the obligations for reporting non-target species catch. Member countries examine their legislation on data collection to see if it is legally enforceable, including associated fines; Member countries should enforce legislation on data collection to ensure accurate and timely data is provided from all vessels operating within their waters. Upon examination of legislation on data collection, Member countries should make requests to FFA Secretariat where assistance is required. Please note where assistance to undertake an overall legislative review has been requested, this will include data collection legislation. To be discussed under TDW-5 Agenda Item 8 (as per slide)
Review of TDW-4 Recommendations SPC should consider implementing the following updates to TUFMAN: Consider specifying a module to reconcile VDS, VMS and Logsheet data WCPFC Reporting feature Mapping by company and dates More enhanced features to reporting More in-country training … Most of the minor requests satisfied with the release of v6 TUFMAN See Agenda Item 7.1.1 See Agenda Item 9.2 for VMS/Logsheet Reconciliation (as per slide)
Review of TDW-4 Recommendations In regards to scanning, a. Member countries should endeavour to task the scanning responsibility to specific staff(s) and to set up scheduled scanning and data transfer times. b. SPC will install the latest version of SLOPs as soon as possible in member country offices in order to improve the quality of scans. See TDW-5 Agenda Item 7.5 Member countries will be asked to briefly describe their scanning issues SPC will provide an update on the status of scanning software (as per slide)
Review of TDW-4 Recommendations 4. With respect to observer data management, the following were recommended: a. SPC will review the need for dedicated scanners in the offices of member countries with a high volume of observer data. It was noted that other equipment, such as tools to remove and reinstate the bindings on observer workbook, undertaken during the scanning process, may also be required. It was noted that the provision of scanned, raw ROP observer data was a member country obligation to the WCPFC, so Member countries should endeavour to scan and provide observer data to SPC (as WCPFC data service provider) as regular as possible. ACTION TAKEN SPC has provided support for purchasing scanners (three) in the past year and will continue to review the need for scanning equipment in-country After initial difficulties, most Member countries are now regularly scanning and submitting observer data to SPC (as per slide)
Review of TDW-4 Recommendations 5. With respect to the draft Port Sampling Audit workbook, SPC was recommended to undertake the following work: Consider restructuring the workbook to better cater for the individual tasks to be undertaken by the auditor, for example, separate the areas where (i) each interview conducts with each key staff member in the port sampling programme, (ii) instances where the auditor reviews/analyses data collected/recorded, (iii) instances when the auditor observes operations, etc. CURRENT STATUS No progress at this stage The Fisheries Data Audit officer commenced work in December 2010 and will be involved in this work over the coming years in conjunction with the Fisheries Monitoring Supervisor. (as per slide)
Review of TDW-4 Recommendations 5. With respect to the draft Port Sampling Audit workbook, SPC was recommended to undertake the following work: …… b. It was noted that the work of an independent auditor may be viewed negatively by the country where the audit will take place, so the workbook and future manual needs a section to clearly indicate the approach that the auditor needs to adopt when introducing the need for the audit. In particular, there is a need for diplomacy, placing the country at ease, stressing that the purpose of the audit is to improve data quality and that the usual outcome is where to target future training/re-training. It should also be noted that the audit report is of a confidential nature. CURRENT STATUS No progress at this stage The Fisheries Data Audit officer commenced work in December 2010 and will be involved in this work over the coming years in conjunction with the Fisheries Monitoring Supervisor. (as per slide)
Review of TDW-4 Recommendations 6. With respect to implementing the new DCC data collection forms, the following were recommended: a. SPC will prepare an information sheet that lists what needs to be done to implement new Longline logsheet, including the reasons for its establishment and associated obligations; b. SPC will prepare formal guidelines for the collection of data and monitoring of unloadings/transshipment and provide to member countries; c. SPC, FFA and Member countries will consider developing a mechanism to facilitate the provision of unloadings data for national fleets that unload in foreign countries; SPC will work with PNG/NFA to produce a document for other TDW participants describing approach taken by PNG/NFA in working with industry to warn them of their obligations before they infringe with respect to data provision CURRENT STATUS Little progress at this stage Focus on observer work has been priority in past year Four new positions at SPC should result in work being directed to these areas over coming year (as per slide)