James Mackie, ECDPM, Maastricht, Netherlands


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Presentation transcript:

James Mackie, ECDPM, Maastricht, Netherlands NIDOS Annual Seminar Implications for Scotland In a post-2015 & post-Referendum Era What do the Referendum and the new post-2015 Framework mean for us in Scotland? James Mackie, ECDPM, Maastricht, Netherlands 23 October 2014

Outline The Conference Post-Referendum and Post-2015 International cooperation The UN post-2015 process Goals & Transformation agenda Finance for development The European post-2015 process Common positions, Dev & Env Outstanding challenges Opportunities for Scotland PCD – policy coherence for development Post-2015 – Action inside Scotland ECDPM

The Conference Aims: to inform, to reflect and to debate Very dynamic context – a threshold moment Post-2015 debate internationally & at home Post-Referendum Further devolution – The Smith Commission Creating a fairer Scotland – tackling inequality Widespread reflection on development policy Scottish Government UK Parliament –IDC ‘Beyond’-Aid inquiry EU level debate on post-2015 – new leadership Engaging with Scottish public in 2015 Also 10 Years since Making Poverty History How to use dynamism: youth, diasporas, … How best to raise public awareness on 2015? ECDPM

Post-Referendum & post-2015 Doing what we do already but better Expand Scottish international development? Or focus more on increasing quality? Dynamism of the Referendum debate Focus on creating a better Scotland What does this mean for international cooperation? Post-2015 Reframe global agenda for development Build on the MDGs but go further Wide agenda but can it be made manageable and motivating like the MDGs? Wider agenda has implications for action inside Europe and inside Scotland ECDPM

International Cooperation Debate on development has broadened Lessons from the MDG experience Focus on poverty reduction good but too limited Development aid not enough on its own Demand for development – not just poverty focus Experience shows importance of other issues Security, governance, trade, international financial flows, global financial stability … Our own internal policies with external impact PCD – policy coherence for development – is key Sustainable development has 3 aspects So post-2015 framework has to cover a lot more But we also need to think differently about development – it is not just about aid ECDPM

Our Collective Interest - new ETTG book www.ettg.eu How will we judge success of new EU leadership? By 2020 will the EU have helped to tackle 5 challenges?: The world economy: is it becoming more equitable, resilient and democratic? Is world set on a more sustainable path? Is world more peaceful and secure? Is world better governed and more democratic? Have poverty and inequality declined? 10/10/14

The UN post-2015 process 2 working groups reported during summer: OWG on the goals and target – 19 July 2014 ICESDF on the finance and means of implementation – 15 August 2014 UNGA – ~70 states supported OWG report UN Secretary General Synthesis Report Due end November Negotiations on goals start early 2015 Co-chairs: Ireland and Kenya Three key moments in 2015 Finance: UN Financing Conf. – Addis, July Goals: UN-GA – New York, September Climate: UNFCCC COP21 – Paris, December ECDPM

The Transformative Agenda UN High Level Panel Report May 2013 Five big transformative shifts Leave no one behind Out sustainable development at the core Transform economies for jobs and inclusive growth Build peace and effective, open and accountable institutions for all Forge a new global partnership But what does this mean in practice? Need to go further than just reducing poverty MDGs too focused on tackling the symptoms and not enough on the causes ECDPM

Goals proposed by OWG End poverty Achieve food security and improved nutrition Ensure healthy lives and well-being Inclusive and equitable education Gender equality and empower women and girls Availability of water & sanitation Affordable, reliable & sustainable energy Inclusive & sustainable growth Resilient infrastructure, inclusive industrialisation Reduce inequality within & among countries Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient & sustainable Sustainable consumption & production Urgent action to combat climate change Sustainable use of oceans, seas & marine resources Sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems Peaceful & inclusive societies, justice for all, inclusive institutions Strengthen finance, MoI, global partnership & PCSD Goals proposed by OWG ECDPM

Development finance MDGs became very focused on ODA Financing gap notion – Jeff Sachs But have to think ‘Beyond Aid’ (ERD2013) There are a lot other types of finance Domestic resources Domestic capital Foreign direct investment Remittances South-South cooperation Finance cannot solve everything Policies important – national & international How to make most effective use of finance ECDPM

Trends in development finance (2011 US$Bn) All developing countries Low Income Countries Source: ERD2014 (forthcoming) ECDPM

Financial flows by income level (% of GDP) Source: ERD2014 (forthcoming) ECDPM

The European debate High level of interest – commitment to MDGs Commission (DEVCO+ENV) pushing a strong common EU position A Decent Life for All – 2 June 2014 [COM 335] Earlier policy papers in Feb & Dec 2013 EU generally satisfied with UN process so far Council conclusions in Dec 2014 Outstanding challenges: Goals & targets – coverage vs. number Global partnership – Finance and other MoI Universality and differentiation Targets for in-country development Targets for helping other countries Targets for supporting global public goods ECDPM

Questions for Scotland Devolution – does S.Govt. need more powers? Scottish international development programme Expanding the effort – does that help? Diversification or is it better to focus more? Improving effectiveness – key principles to use: ownership, alignment and harmonisation PCD – internal policies that affect others Many such policies decided at EU level: Trade, Agriculture, Fisheries, Migration, … But Scottish attitudes & behaviour affect them New issues: consumption, waste, renewables Achieving the post-2015 targets in Scotland Inequality & poverty: domestic & international ECDPM

Thank you jm@ecdpm.org www.ecdpm.org www.slideshare.net/ecdpm