Upcoming Important Dates Parent Teacher Conferences Classroom News Our Busy Week 10/21 – 10/25 We had a very orange filled week in Room 2! We studied the parts of a pumpkin and made our own plate pumpkins. We also colored in an “m” with markers for our letter of the week and finger painted the number 5. Finally we ended our orange week with our Fall Festival, where we received pumpkins from the PTA and orange day on Friday! Upcoming Important Dates Family Learning Day Saturday Nov. 26th Black & White Day Please wear black and white Friday, Nov. 1st “Who” Day NO COSTUMES PLEASE Thursday Oct. 31st Early Dismissal 11:30AM & Parent Teacher Conferences Thursday, Nov. 7th Our Upcoming Week 10/28 – 11/1 Next we will be learning the letter “Nn” and the shape circle. We will also be learning about nocturnal animals. On Thursday we will celebrate “Who” Day and see our teachers dress up like characters from stories. Ways to Help at Home Identify things around your home that are signs of fall. See if your child can spot pumpkins around the neighborhood. Discuss things that begin with the letters we have learned; t, b, f and m Look at a book together and see if your child can tell you a story by looking at the pictures. Reminders Please make sure your child’s lunch/snack is clearly labeled in a bag, with “L” for lunch and “S” for snack. Also please make sure you return slip with your confirmed time for parent teacher conferences. Thank you, Miss Lee and Miss Scheer R Please feel free to email me with any questions or concerns: caslee@lawrence.k12.ny.us