ELL and Gifted Learners: Bridging the Gap of Understanding Sheri Collier
Find a partner to introduce: Introductions Find a partner to introduce: Learn their name, school, position, and favorite part of their leader position
Objectives: To identify characteristics in ELL learners and GT learners To blend GT curriculum and ELL strategies To collaborate to better understand and serve our students
Characteristics In your groups create a poster of characteristics for your represented learner Group 1: Elementary GT leaders Group 2: Elementary ELL leaders Group 3: Secondary GT Leaders Group 4: Secondary GT Leaders
GALLERY WALK TO ALL POSTERS Keep notes of similarities and differences you see as you are walking around the room!
Pair off and create a graphic organizer Members from group 1 & 2 pair up Members from group 3 & 4 pair up CREATE A GRAPHIC ORGANIZER about the similarities and differences between the characteristics of a gifted learner and an English Language Learner Be ready to present your poster
Group Presentations Audience: Take notes on your note catcher about the characteristics of the learners
Why are ELL students under-represented in GT? We need to focus on TALENT DEVELOPMENT
Overviews Gifted Curriculum – College of William and Mary History Units Purpose ELL strategy book SIOP CAL
Time to collaborate In a group of 3 -4 people look through the College of William and Mary and pick a lesson to plan out. Once you have your lesson, go through the strategy books and chose 2 -3 strategies you will use in the lesson Draft a document on large poster paper with your lesson and strategies.
Find a lesson…. One member stays at the poster – everyone else finds a lesson they would like to know more about. Interview the team member about the lesson and strategies so that you know enough to take the lesson back to your school.
Find your school partner.. Debrief on the lesson and strategies Create a plan on HOW and WHEN you can implement what you learned today
EXIT TICKET 3 next steps for your school 2 things you learned 1 question you have or idea for next collaboration time